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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}%54 Hyperlink   6InputuInput ̙ ??v% 7 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 8NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal % 9Noteb Note   :OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???;$Percent <Title1Title I}% =TotalMTotal %OO> Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`fIntroductory noteso Abbreviations7tList of tables W1 W2 W3 W4 aW5 gW6 ]W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 oW14 W15 UW16 GW17 W18 }W19 #W20 (W21 5.W22=t  # _Toc125440960:# _Toc128806014:#  _Toc152064623:# _Toc152064637:# _Toc240870990:# _Toc270598550:# _Toc270598551:#  _Toc270598554:#  _Toc270598555:#  _Toc270598557: #  _Toc270598558: # _Toc270598559: # _Toc270598561: # _Toc270598563: # _Toc270598564:# _Toc270598565:# _Toc270598567:# _Toc270598568:# _Toc270598569: cTable W9: Deliveries by gestational age and cause of infertility, Australia and New Zealand, 2008ZTable W10: Deliveries by gestational age and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008~Table W11: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by pregnancy outcome and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008TTable W12: Deliveries by plurality and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008MTable W13: Delivery outcomes by maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008WTable W18: Gestational age of babies by birth outcomes, Australia and New Zealand, 2008STable W19: Birthweight of babies by birth outcomes, Australia and New Zealand, 2008sTable W1: Treatment cycles by cause of infertility, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008sTable W2: Autologous treatment cycles by cause of infertility and source of sperm, Australia and New Zealand, 2008mTable W3: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by technique of sperm retrieval, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Table W4: Embryo transfer cycles by number of embryos transferred, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008lTable W5: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by stage of embryo development, Australia and New Zealand, 2008lTable W15: Deliveries by delivery outcome and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008nTable W16: Deliveries by gestational age and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008aTable W17: Deliveries by plurality, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008jTable W20: Birthweight of liveborn babies by treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008{Table W21: Perinatal mortality of babies by type of death and treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008kTable W22: Perinatal mortality of babies by type of death and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008dTable W6: Outcome of oocyte/embryo recipient cycles by donor s age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Table W7: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by cause of infertility and pregnancy outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008dTable W8: Deliveries by cause of infertility and delivery outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Table W14: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by pregnancy outcome and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008yThe data presented are for autologous cycles, oocyte donation cycles and oocyte/embryo recipient cycles, and does not include information on donor sperm insemination, gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) or surrogacy arrangements. The data reflects treatment cycles and not patients. Therefore, it is possible for an individual woman or couple to undergo more than one treatment cycle in a year and to experience more than one pregnancy. This means that the information reported about patient characteristics, such as age, parity and cause of infertility, is based on calculations in which individuals may be counted more than once.!This supplement presents information on assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment cycles undertaken in fertility clinics in Australia and New Zealand in 2008, along with the resulting pregnancy and birth outcomes. The babies included in this report were born in either 2008 or 2009.The rates of clinical pregnancy and live delivery are measured per initiated cycle. However, where the number of initiated cycles is not available or not applicable, for example when reporting outcomes from blastocyst or cleavage stage embryos, rates are reported per embryo transfer cycle. Where applicable, percentages in tables have been calculated including the  Not stated category in the denominator. Totals and subtotals may not round to 100.0 due to rounding. AIHW*Australian Institute of Health and WelfareANZARD9Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction DatabaseART assisted reproductive technologyGIFTgamete intrafallopian transferICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injectionIVFin vitro fertilisationNPSU"National Perinatal Statistics UnitOPUoocyte pick-upPGD!preimplantation genetic diagnosis!The University of New South Wales. .not applicablePESA(percutaneous epididymal sperm aspirationAbbreviations and symbolsList of tablesIntroductory notes AutologousOocyte/embryo recipientAllCause of infertility Fresh IVF Fresh ICSIFresh other(a) ThawNumberMale factor only Female factor Tubal disease only Endometriosis only Other female factor only Combined female factorCombined male/female factor Unexplained Not stated All causesqTable W1: Treatment cycles by cause of infertility, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Per centrTable W2: Autologous treatment cycles by cause of infertility and source of sperm, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Source of spermHusband/partnerDonorTotallTable W3: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by technique of sperm retrieval, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Site of sperm extractionStage/outcome of treatment Ejaculate Epididymis(a)  TesticularOtherEmbryo transfersClinical pregnanciesLive deliveries+Clinical pregnancies per transfer cycle (%)&Live deliveries per transfer cycle (%)@(a) Epididymal sperm is extracted by either open biopsy or PESA.Table W4: Embryo transfer cycles by number of embryos transferred, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Number of embryose" 3kTable W5: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by stage of embryo development, Australia and New Zealand, 2008FreshCleavage embryos Blastocysts 'Thawed and transferred cleavage embryos3Thawed cleavage embryos and transferred blastocysts"Thawed and transferred blastocystscTable W6: Outcome of oocyte/embryo recipient cycles by donor s age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 Donor s age group (years)(a)d" 2425 2930 3435 39e" 40*Live deliveries per clinical pregnancy (%)Table W7: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by cause of infertility and pregnancy outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Pregnancy outcome MiscarriageFetal reduction or terminationEctopic/heterotopic pregnancybTable W8: Deliveries by cause of infertility and delivery outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Delivery outcome Live birth Fetal deathTotal(a)aTable W9: Deliveries by gestational age and cause of infertility, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Gestational age (weeks)Tubal disease onlyEndom-etriosis onlyOther female factor onlyCombined female factor Un-explained Mean (weeks)<2728 3132 36e" 37d" 36Age group (years)(a)40 44e" 45d" 2728 31 32 36 Ectopic or heterotopic pregnancy Gestation SingletonTwinHigh order multipleTotal Table W14: Clinical pregnancies of <20 weeks gestation by pregnancy outcome and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Number of embryos transferredkTable W16: Deliveries by gestational age and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008Higher order multipleFetal death(a) Total(b)e" 37 Total(c)Birthweight (grams) Mean (grams)< 1,000 1,000 1,499 1,500< 1,999 2,000 2,499 2,500 2,999 3,000 3,499 3,500 3,999e" 4,000< 2,500Perinatal deaths(a)Neonatal death Fetal deaths per 1,000 births(b)(Neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births(c)%$Perinatal deaths per 1,000 births(b)!Perinatal deaths(b)Neonatal death Fetal deaths per 1,000 births(c)(Neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births(d)%$Perinatal deaths per 1,000 births(c)!}(a)Includes cycles in which oocytes were not retrieved, cycles with oocyte retrieval but no fertilisation and cancelled OPU. (a) Age at time of donation.8(a) Includes deliveries where birth outcome was unknown.(a) Age at time of delivery.(a) Age at end of pregnancyp(a) Fetal death is reported by patients to fertility centre staff. These data are not official vital statistics.4(b) Includes babies where birth outcome was unknown.6(c) Includes babies where gestational age was unknown.r(a) Fetal deaths are reported by patients to fertility centre staff. These data are not official vital statistics.4(b)Includes babies where birth outcome was unknown.(a)Perinatal deaths (neonatal deaths and fetal deaths) are reported by patients to fertility centre staff. These data are not official vital statistics.(b)Fetal deaths and perinatal death rates were calculated using all births (live births and fetal deaths) as the denominator. R(c)Neonatal death rates were calculated using all live births as the denominator.(a)Age at time of delivery.(b)Perinatal deaths (neonatal deaths and fetal deaths) are reported by patients to fertility centre staff. These data are not official vital statistics.(c)Fetal deaths and perinatal death rates were calculated using all births (live births and fetal deaths) as the denominator. R(d)Neonatal death rates were calculated using all live births as the denominator.BAssisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2008= /@CJ NOrPP6Q$BR0SnTUWtX}YuZcZd[R\]\z^D'`bccB g2ɀ nwo  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MAdobe PDFS 4dA4PRIV ''''0P4(FFSMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandard" d333333?333333?&<3U} IZQ} $ Q;;@H@@)@ T3 U U UP>@7ggD g2ɀ  qs  dMbP?_*+%J&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"J333333?333333?&<3U} Q} $bQ} $ Q J@JVJVJVJVJVJVJVJV JV JV JV JV ?1 o o o p o o o p o! o" o# o$ o% o& o' o( o/ o0 o) o* o+ o, o- o.b>@***7ggD g2ɀ Mux  dMbP?_*+%J&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"J333333?333333?&<3U} mV} $ QJ@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@ P2 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W2>@"""7 yK tTable W1: Treatment cycles by cause of infertility, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W1'!A1 yK tTable W2: Autologous treatment cycles by cause of infertility and source of sperm, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W2'!A1yK nTable W3: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by technique of sperm retrieval, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W3'!A1<yK Table W4: Embryo transfer cycles by number of embryos transferred, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W4'!A1yK mTable W5: Outcome of embryo transfer cycles by stage of embryo development, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W5'!A1yK eTable W6: Outcome of oocyte/embryo recipient cycles by donor s age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W6'!A1FyK Table W7: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by cause of infertility and pregnancy outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W7'!A1yK eTable W8: Deliveries by cause of infertility and delivery outcome, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W8'!A1 yK dTable W9: Deliveries by gestational age and cause of infertility, Australia and New Zealand, 2008'W9'!A1 yK [Table W10: Deliveries by gestational age and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W10'!A18 yK Table W11: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by pregnancy outcome and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W11'!A1 yK UTable W12: Deliveries by plurality and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W12'!A1 yK NTable W13: Delivery outcomes by maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W13'!A1ZyK Table W14: Clinical pregnancies of < 20 weeks gestation by pregnancy outcome and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W14'!A1yK mTable W15: Deliveries by delivery outcome and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W15'!A1yK oTable W16: Deliveries by gestational age and number of embryos transferred, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W16'!A1yK bTable W17: Deliveries by plurality, treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W17'!A1yK XTable W18: Gestational age of babies by birth outcomes, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W18'!A1yK TTable W19: Birthweight of babies by birth outcomes, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W19'!A1yK kTable W20: Birthweight of liveborn babies by treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W20'!A12yK |Table W21: Perinatal mortality of babies by type of death and treatment type and procedure, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W21'!A1yK lTable W22: Perinatal mortality of babies by type of death and maternal age, Australia and New Zealand, 2008 'W22'!A1ggD g2ɀ !-  dMbP?_*+%J&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\npsu-server\FX ApeosPort-II  Q8 4d,,A4 Q!FX ApeosPort-II C4300 PCL 6N@  d H  Arial  p_0" d,,333333?333333?&<3U} R} $R} $ R!JQJ@ J@ J@ J@J@J@J@J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@ J@ TG@ 4  5 6 A7 B8 C9 C: C; 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