Guiding Principles

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Embedding career development and work integrated learning into the student experience, supports the 2025 Strategy through:

  • Designing, developing and delivering "a distinctive higher educational experience that will establish as a leader in transforming our students and empowering them to become the best they can be”. ( 2025 Strategic Priority A: Academic excellence: Theme A2, Objective 1)
  • Ensuring that “ students obtain a holistic education, securing the real-world practical skills needed for a rapidly evolving workplace. This will result in our graduates, as the next generation of professionals and leaders, having the ability to adapt personally to disruptive change…” ( 2025 Strategic Priority A: Academic excellence: Theme A2, Objective 2)

2025 Strategic Initiatives to support this strategic priority include:

“Outstanding program design, an emphasis on cross-disciplinary learning, smart use of technology, global engagement and complimentary career-focussed themes will give our students an opportunity to personalise and tailor their educational experience and provide graduates with the attributes necessary for success in the 21st century.” ( 2025 Strategic Priority A: Academic excellence: Theme A2, Initiative 1)

In partnering with the Community, career development and employability is underpinned by:

  • The Scientia Education Academy, Universal Design for Learning frameworks and the RASE pedagogical approach to designing learning activities
  • Authenticity and designing scenarios and activities linked to real issues students will face in their career development journey
  • Scalability, digital delivery and support
  • Evaluation as a focus for future improvements guides future improvement
  • Offering opportunities for Work Integrated Learning and developing professional confidence