Casual staff

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Casual Academic Pay Rates

  • The following minimum rates of pay apply to:

    • Lectures,
    • Seminars where the Seminar is the primary form of education delivery; and
    • Clinical Sessions in the Faculty of Medicine,

    and are payable for every one hour of student contact time.

    *Included Associated Working Time (AWT)


    Level & Step



    Date Agreement commences operation




    Standard Lecture Rate

    Level B, Step 2


    The normal rate for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 2 hours of AWT.

    246.2295 254.8474 265.0410

    Lecture Rate involving 3 hours of AWT

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 3 hours of AWT.

    317.2040 328.3060

    Lecture Rate involving 4 hours of AWT

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 4 hours of AWT.


    Special Expertise Lecture Rate

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid where a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery is given by a Guest with Special Expertise in their relevant field which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 3 hours AWT.


    Planning and Development Rate

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid where a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery is given where significant responsibility for planning and developing a unit or a large part of a unit is also required which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 3 hours of AWT.

    328.3060 339.7965 353.3880

    Standard Lecture given by a Distinguished Person

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery given by a distinguished person which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 4 hours of AWT.

    410.3825 424.7456 441.7350

    Repeat Lecture Rate

    Level B, Step 2


    Paid for a 'repeat' Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery, covering the subject matter of a Lecture or Seminar given within a period of 7 days to another group of students which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.

    158.6020 164.1530

    Clinical Sessions Rate (Faculty of Medicine)

    Level B, Step 2


    This rate is paid for each hour of delivery.


  • Activity

    Level & Step

    Date Agreement commences operation

    Tutorial Rate
    Level A, Step 2

    This rate is paid for a Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 2 hours of AWT.

    172.7209 178.7663
    185.0231 192.4238
    Repeat Tutorial Rate Level A, Step 2 1

    This rate is the Repeat Rate of Pay applicable to a “repeat” Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery, being a Tutorial our Seminar that is delivered by the Casual Employee that is the same, or covers substantially the same subject matter, as a Tutorial or Seminar delivered by that Casual Employee within the prior 7 days. The Repeat Rate of Pay is paid for a Repeat Tutorial or Seminar consisting of 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 1 hour of AWT.

    119.1775 123.3488 128.2825
    PHD Tutorial Rate
    Level A, Step 6 2

    The rate is paid for a Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery delivered by a Casual Employee who holds a relevant doctoral qualification which consists of 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 2 hours of AWT.

    204.4946 211.6519 219.0596 227.8219
    PHD Repeat Tutorial Rate Level A, Step 6

    This rate is the Repeat Rate of Pay applicable to a “repeat” Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery, being a Tutorial or Seminar that is delivered by the Casual Employee that is the same, or covers substantially the same subject matter, as a Tutorial or Seminar delivered by that Casual Employee within the prior 7 days. The Repeat Rate of Pay is paid for a Repeat Tutorial or Seminar delivered by a Casual Employee who holds a relevant doctoral qualification which consists of 1 hour student contact time and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.

    136.3298 141.1013
    146.0398 151.8813

  • Activity
    Level & Step

    Included Associated Working Time (AWT)


    Date Agreement commences operation

    Practical Class Rate
    Level A, Step 2
    This Other Duties rate is paid for a Practical Class. 57.5736
    PHD /Full Subject Coordination Practical Class Rate Level A, Step 6

    This Other Duties rate is paid for a Practical Class delivered by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctorial qualification or in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties.

    70.5506 73.0199 75.9406

  • The following minimum rates apply to:
    (i)Marking; and
    (ii)Music Accompanying with special education service.

    Level & Step

    Included Associated Working Time (AWT)


    Date Agreement commences operation

    Routine Marking Rate
    Level A, Step 2

    This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee (unless another Marking rate set out in this Schedule below applies).

    Significant Academic Judgement Marking Rate
    Level B, Step 2 0

    This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee where the Casual Employee is required to exercise significant academic judgment to the same extent as is required of an Employee at Level B, or as a supervising examiner.

    PHD Routine Marking Rate
    Level A, Step 6

    This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification.

    Music Accompanying
    Level A, Step 2

    This rate is paid for each hour of Music Accompanying and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.

    PHD / Full Subject Coordination Music Accompanying
    Level A, Step 6

    This rate is paid for each hour of Music Accompanying with special education services required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification or in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.

    141.1013 146.0398 151.8813

  • The following minimum rates of pay apply to all other work that a Casual Employee is required to perform for (i.e. work other than that to which Parts 2 to 5 of this Schedule apply.

    Level & Step

    Included Associated Working Time (AWT)


    Date Agreement commences operation

    Standard Rate
    Level A, Step 2

    This rate is paid for all other work that a Casual Employee is required to perform for unless the rates in subclauses 59.2 or 59.3 below apply.

    57.5736 59.5888 61.6744 64.1413
    PHD Rate / Full Subject Coordination
    Level A, Step 6

    This rate is paid for all other work that a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification is required to perform for . The rate is also applied in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties.

    68.1649 70.5506 73.0199

Casual Tutorial

  • Paid as the normal rate for a lecture which consists of up to 1 hour of delivery and 2 hours of associated working time.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    151.99 155.03 156.58 158.15 159.73 161.32 162.93
  • Repeat tutorial involves 1 hour delivery and 1 hour of associated working time, provided that the hourly rate in a repeat tutorial applies to the subsequent delivery of substantially the same subject matter in a tutorial within a period of 7 days and any marking and student consultation reasonably contemporaneous with it.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    101.34 103.36 104.4 105.44 106.5 107.56 108.64
  • Tutorial involves 1 hour of delivery and up to 2 hours of associated working time in circumstances where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    179.95 183.55 185.38 187.24 189.11 191 192.91
  • Repeat tutorial involves 1 hour delivery and 1 hour of associated working time, in circumstances where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification provided that the hourly rate in a repeat tutorial applies to the subsequent delivery of substantially the same subject matter in a tutorial within a period of 7 days and any marking and student consultation reasonably contemporaneous with it.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    119.97 122.37 123.6 124.83 126.08 127.34 128.61

Demonstration and Other Duties (per hour)

  • Other duties or demonstration rate

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    50.64 51.66 52.17 52.69 53.22 53.75 54.29
  • Other required duties or demonstration where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties, or the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    59.98 61.18 61.79 62.41 63.03 ​ċċċċċ63.66 64.30

Casual Marking (per hour)

  • Paid for marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgment appropriate to an employee at Level B, or as a supervising examiner.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    69.79 71.18 71.9 72.61 73.34 ​ċċċċċċ74.07 74.81
  • Paid for routine marking

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    50.64 51.66 52.17 52.69 53.22 ​ċċċċċċ53.75 54.29
  • Routine marking where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    59.98 61.18 61.79 62.41 63.03 ​​ċċċċċ63.66 64.30

Clinical Sessions - Faculty of Medicine (per hour)

  • 5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    209.36 213.54 215.68 217.83 220.01 222.21 224.43

Music Accompanying (per hour)

  • Music accompanying involves 1 hour delivery and 1 associated work time.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    101.34 103.36 104.4 105.44 106.5 107.56 108.64
  • Music accompanying involves 1 hour delivery and 1 associated work time in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties, or the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.

    5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022
    ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1%
    119.97 122.37 123.6 124.83 126.08 127.34 128.61

Are you a hiring manger looking at these rates for budgeting purposes? Ensure you takeinto consideration. For more information, contact.

To see casual professional staff rates, go to Professional staff.