Professor Richard Holden, School of Economics, Business School,is available to comment on any aspect of the end of the Financial Year, including Stage 3 tax cuts. He can be reached

Associate Professor Yan Xu, School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Business School, can comment on Tax Policy and Tax Equity & Justice. A/Prof. Xu has research expertise in international taxation, GST/VAT law and policy, and tax and development. She also has expertise in taxation and climate change, and the role of tax in improving social justice. She can be reached on her mobile at +61290657527 or by e-mail

Associate Professor Ann Kayis-Kumar, School of Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, Business School, can comment on National Tax Clinics Program including the Tax Clinic itself. She can be reached at

Associate Professor, Dale Boccabella, School of Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, Business School. Prof. Boccabella says, “Approaching the end of financial year (tax year) often stirs activity as to what can be done to minimise one’s income tax for the year. While there are some effective strategies that could be implemented in a short time, leaving things until 3-5 days before year end is not the best approach. Sensible and effective tax planning should be an on-going thing and done away from the rushed environment of year-end”. He can be reached

Dr Rodney Brown, School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Business School is available for comment. Dr Brown can speak to the Stage 3 tax cuts and any issues relating to tax reform or superannuation issues. Rodney can be reached by email at:

, School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Business School, is available for comment. Paul can be reached by email at:

For any other media enquiries, please contact:

Katie Miller, News and Content Coordinator, Business School,, 0408 033 715.