
Miss Iva Durakovic

Miss Iva Durakovic


Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Hons Class 1)

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Built Environment

As an interior designer, Iva Durakovic has over 10 years’ experience designing high-profile, award-winning workplace projects. Her research program builds knowledge on the design, behavioural impacts and phenomenology of high-performance workplaces, evaluating the environments and their cultures to understand the human factors at play across individual, physical and organisational levels, particularly within emergent post 2020 workplace contexts. Iva leads the Workplace stream at the , and faculty program of work-integrated learning (WIL) at ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø enabling the blending of research, industry and WIL to foster employment and knowledge exchange between leading practitioners, academics, and next-generation designers.

In Industry, her research sits at the forefront of current experimentation in hybrid workplace solutions informing high profile projects such as Mirvac’s Adaptive Workplace Pilot. Experience in strategic design translation and intimate knowledge of new ways of working enables Iva’s continued contributions to expert advisory groups for the International WELL Building Standard (IWBI’s Movement Concept Advisory) and Green Building Council of Australia expert reference panel (New Fit-outs).

+61 2 9065 9877
Anita B Lawrence Centre, West Wing, Level 2, Room 2011
  • Books | 2024
    Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S, 2024, CONCLUSION,
    Books | 2024
    Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S, 2024, Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces, Routledge
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Candido C; Avazpour B; Durakovic I, 2024, 'Office design', in Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces, Routledge,
    Book Chapters | 2024
    Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S, 2024, 'About this Book', in Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces,
    Book Chapters | 2024
    Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S, 2024, 'Conclusion', in Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces, Routledge,
    Book Chapters | 2024
    Durakovic I; Aznavoorian L; Candido C, 2024, 'Value in humanising the digital workplace: a temporal framework', in Orel M; Cerne M; Wong SI (ed.), Humanising the Digital Workplace: Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership in the Age of Technology, Springer Nature
    Book Chapters | 2024
    Durakovic I; Azvanvoorian L, 2024, 'Sense of Belonging and Professional Identity', in Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces, Routledge,
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Durakovic I; Aznavoorian L; Candido C, 2023, 'Togetherness and (work)Place: Insights from Workers and Managers during Australian COVID-Induced Lockdowns', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Karia A; Norman R; Robinson S; Lehnbom E; Laba T-L; Durakovic I; Balane C; Joshi R; Webster R, 2022, 'Pharmacist’s time spent: Space for Pharmacy-Based Interventions and Consultation TimE (SPICE) – An observational time and motion study', BMJ Open,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Marzban S; Durakovic I; Candido C; Mackey M, 2021, 'Learning to work from home: experience of Australian workers and organizational representatives during the first Covid-19 lockdowns', Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 23, pp. 203 - 222,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Karia AM; Balane C; Norman R; Robinson S; Lehnbom E; Durakovic I; Laba TL; Joshi R; Webster R, 2020, 'Community pharmacist workflow: Space for Pharmacy-based Interventions and Consultation TimE study protocol', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28, pp. 441 - 448,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Tezcan N; Durakovic I; Smith C; Lloyd E; D'Arcy S, 2020, 'Scaffolded, simulated work-integrated learning in design education: Beyond the live project', International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, Special Issue,, 21, pp. 521 - 529,
  • Working Papers | 2023
    Avazpour B; Fatourehchi D; Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S; Smith J, 2023, Harnessing biophilia to design magnetic office landscapes - a case study,
    Working Papers | 2023
    Iyer R; Thite M; Tjondronegoro D; Malik A; Nayyeri F; Avazpour B; Durakovic I; Marzban S; Candido C, 2023, Evolution of Employee Work Preferences Amidst COVID-19: A Social Media Analysis,
    Working Papers | 2021
    Durakovic I; Marzban S; Candido C; Ainsworth S, 2021, COVID-19 Benefits, Challenges and Learnings: Gender perspectives,
    Working Papers | 2021
    Durakovic I; Marzban S; Candido C, 2021, Managing Change: Lessons for leadership in new ways of hybrid working,
    Working Papers | 2021
    2021, Transformations of the Academic workplace: 50 years of change in 10,
    Working Papers | 2020
    Durakovic I; Aznavoorian L, 2020, Place: How has the COVID-19 affected our connection to, and the importance of, Place?,
  • Conference Abstracts | 2024
    Durakovic I; Munao L; Candido A, 2024, 'Built it and they will come – test and learn environments as social capital building blocks of the new hybrid workplace terrain', in Built it and they will come – test and learn environments as social capital building blocks of the new hybrid workplace terrain, Edinburgh Napier University, presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, 04 September 2024 - 07 January 2024,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Marzban S; Gocer O; Avazpour B; Durakovic I; Candido C, 2024, 'Harnessing utilization data to revisit space needs in Activity-Based Workplaces: A case study', in HARNESSING UTILIZATION DATA TO REVISIT SPACE NEEDS IN ACTIVITY-BASED WORKPLACES: A CASE STUDY, PRRES, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, presented at 30th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Conference, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 14 January 2024 - 17 January 2024,
    Conference Presentations | 2023
    Avazpour B; Candido C; Durakovic I; Marzban S, 2023, 'The unshackled workforce: three stages in the pandemic timeline in Australia', presented at 29th Annual conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES), London, UK, 12 July 2023 - 15 November 2023,
    Conference Presentations | 2023
    Durakovic I; Marzban S; Candido C; Ainsworth S; Avazpour B, 2023, 'The Mars and Venus of workplace connection: Evolution of Australian Employees’ and Organisations' post-pandemic ways of working', presented at 29th Annual conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES), London, UK, 12 July 2023 - 15 November 2023,
    Conference Presentations | 2023
    Durakovic I; Munao L; Candido C, 2023, 'A new way of working: Call it what you want, it's about balancing expectations and experience', presented at 2023 APAC Corenet Global Summit Singapore, Singapore, 14 March 2023 - 16 March 2023,
    Reports | 2023
    Durakovic I; Munao L; Finlayson S, 2023, Supporting Social-capital in an omni-channel workforce, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Candido C; Marzban S; Durakovic I; Backhouse S; Ghosn C; Stojanovic D; Nickas S, 2022, 'In-office vs elsewhere - what is working for the post-COVID unshackled workforce?', presented at TEMC 2022, Online, 09 September 2022,
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Candido C; Marzban S; Durakovic I, 2022, 'The post-COVID workplace: What is the role of the in-office experience in supporting musicians?', presented at 45th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Online, 01 December 2022 - 03 December 2022,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Durakovic I; Ghosn C; Candido C; Marzban S; Backhouse S, 2022, 'From the Rise of Open-plan Office HQ to Working Anywhere Post-2020: How Australian Millennial Academics Rate Workplaces', in From the Rise of Open-plan Office HQ to Working Anywhere Post-2020: How Australian Millennial Academics Rate Workplaces, Santiago, Chile, pp. 389 - 395, presented at PLEA Santiago 2022: Will Cities Survive?, Santiago, Chile, 22 November 2022 - 25 November 2022,
    Reports | 2022
    Durakovic I; Munao L, 2022, What is the Future of Work 2022, ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø and Davenport Campbell., ,
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Durakovic I; Studdy L, 2022, 'When Interior Architecture meets Social Work: reframing employability through reflection, theory, and a creative partnership of disciplines', presented at Australian Collaborative Education Network: Beyond 2022: Creating the future with WIL, 24 October 2022 - 25 October 2022,
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Lloyd E; Durakovic I, 2022, 'Nurturing Place: Towards principles for critical, community-centred WIL in diverse settings', presented at Australian Collaborative Education Network: Beyond 2022: Creating the future with WIL, Melbourne, Australia, 24 October 2022 - 25 October 2022,
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Candido C; Backhouse S; Marzban S; Durakovic I; Ghosn C, 2021, 'From individual (office) bubbles to connected (home) bubbles: what's next for academic workplaces?', presented at TEMC2021 (Tertiary Education Management Conference), Online, 11 October 2021 - 13 October 2021
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Durakovic I; Aznavoorian L, 2021, 'Togetherness and Place considerations in the Post-Pandemic Workplace: learnings from the Australian lockdowns', presented at Workplace Trends Research Summit 2021, Online, 22 April 2021,
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Durakovic I; Marzban S; Candido C, 2021, 'Working from home during COVID-19 induced lockdowns: results from Australian workers and organisations', presented at 27TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE SOCIETY, Online, 02 June 2021 - 05 June 2021,
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Lloyd E; Durakovic I, 2021, 'Collaborate, Cambodia: Authentic learning through scaffolded, hybrid, international WIL', presented at Australian Collaborative Education Network: ‘Beyond 2020: Creating the Future with WIL’, Online, 27 October 2021 - 28 October 2021,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    2021, 'Academic workplaces', in Academic workplaces, Online, presented at TEMC 2021 Bright Futures, Online,
    Reports | 2020
    Aznavoorian L; Grose J; Durakovic I, 2020, A Case Study of the Phenomenology of BHIVE,
    Conference Presentations | 2020
    Durakovic I; Aznavoorian L, 2020, 'Togetherness and Place: COVID-19 Insights and Prompts for action in the post-pandemic workplace', presented at Explore the Future of work and the workplace: WORKTECH Asia Pacific Virtual Conference, 21 October 2020,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Durakovic I; Lloyd E, 2020, 'Collaborate Cambodia', in Collaborate Cambodia, presented at Australian Collaborative Education Network 2020 Virtual Summit: Beyond 2020: Creating the Future with WIL, 27 October 2020 - 28 October 2020,
    Reports | 2020
    Durakovic I; Munao L; Marshall K, 2020, The Future of Work: Global impacts shaping the way we design workplaces, Davenport and Campbell, ,
  • Media | 2024
    Durakovic I; Candido A; Avazpour B; Marzban S, 2024, ‘FORCING’ WORKERS INTO THE OFFICE MISSES THE POINT, ,
    Media | 2024
    Durakovic I; Candido C; Marzban S, 2024, Designing an office worth going back to, Monash University, ,
    Media | 2023
    Dunn S; Durakovic I, 2023, Brave new workplace: the future of hybrid working, ,
    Media | 2023
    Dunn S; Durakovic I, 2023, Brave new workplace: the future of hybrid working, ,
    Media | 2023
    Durakovic I, 2023, Hybrid Work, ,
    Media | 2023
    Masige S; Durakovic I, 2023, Should employers mandate a full return to office?, ,
    Media | 2023
    Pankaluic T; Durakovic I, 2023, EXPERT SAYS HYBRID WORK HERE TO STAY POST-COVID, ,
    Media | 2021
    Candido C; Marzban S; Durakovic I, 2021, From nice to have to must have in the Post-Covid workplace, ,
    Media | 2021
    Candido C; Marzban S; Durakovic I, 2021, From ‘nice to have’ to ‘must-have’ in the post-covid workplace, ,
    Media | 2020
    Anseel F; Durakovic I, 2020, How COVID-19 could accelerate the rise of smart cities, ,
    Media | 2020
    Durakovic I; Knight B, 2020, Working from home: the end of the office as we know it?, ,
    Media | 2020
    Durakovic I, 2020, What is 2020 teaching us about the Future of Work?, ,

2021: Alastair Swayn Foundation Strategic Research Grant

2022: Creative and Wellbeing Hallmark Research Initiative (CAWRI) Seed fundingÌý

2022: COVID related research in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Seed fundingÌý

2022: Winner Emerald Literati Awards Outstanding Paper, Learning to work from home: experience of Australian workers and organisational representatives during the first COVID-19 lockdownsÌý
2022: ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø ADA Dean's Award for Collaboration, BE/SoSS Professional Placement Course
2016: Winner Melbourne Design 100 Silver Medal, Interior Design Corporate Category
2015: Finalist IDEA Awards
2015: Winner Best Office Interior Asia Pacific Property Awards,
2015: Commendation AIDA Awards, Melbourne
2014: Finalist WIN Awards London
2014: Finalist Spark Awards US
2012: Commendation Asia Pacific Property Awards, Singapore
2012: Shortlisted IDEA and IDA Awards
