
ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø School of Built Environment researchers work with a wide variety of government and industry partners to create and design sustainable, resilient, equitable and productive cities that improve people’s lives.We can only achieve this through working with our partners. Below are just a few of our government and industry partners.

Ready to collaborate? 

Contact a ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø School of Built Environment researcher today and discover how your business or idea can reap the benefits. 



  • Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)
  • Australian Building Codes Board
  • Australian Human Rights Commission
  • City of Parramatta Council
  • City of Sydney
  • CRC for Spatial Information
  • CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Industry, Innovation & Science
  • Department of the Chief Minister (NT)
  • Georges River Council
  • Greater Sydney Commission
  • Infrastructure NSW
  • Landcom
  • NSW Department of Finance Services & Innovation
  • NW Department of Industry
  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment
  • NSW Family and Community Services - Ageing, Disability and Home Care
  • Rail Corporation NSW
  • Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC)
  • Sydney Water Corporation
  • Transport for NSW
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  • AECOM Australia Pty Ltd
  • ARUP Pty Ltd
  • Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS)
  • Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)
  • Australian Property Monitors
  • Australian Rotary Health Research Fund
  • Breville Pty Limited
  • Brookfield Multiplex Construction
  • Business of Pursuits Pty Ltd
  • Caroma Industries Limited
  • Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
  • Cox Architecture
  • CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Ltd
  • Dhaka Community Hospital Trust
  • Diversity Council Australia Limited
  • Fitbit
  • Frasers Property Australia Pty Limited
  • Grimshaw Architects Pty Ltd
  • Hanbat National University, Korea
  • Launch Housing Limited
  • Lend Lease Communities
  • National Heart Foundation of Australia
  • NISKA Retail Robotics
  • NSW Federation of Housing Associations
  • Overseas Development Institute
  • Payce Communities Pty Limited
  • Renson Ventilation NV
  • Sax Institute
  • Shelter NSW Incorporated
  • Silenceair International Pty Ltd
  • St Spyridon College
  • Strata Community Australia (NSW)
  • Tenants Queensland Inc
  • Uniting