
Stay informed with the latest updates from Centre for Interactive Cinema Research.

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Orange-hued book cover for Climate Disaster Preparedness edited volume by Springer Nature 2024
  • Grant Success

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    Centre Co-Director A/Prof. Yang Song and Centre Associate Director Prof. Maurice Pagnucco are Chief Investigators on a newly fundedARC Research Hub for Human-Robot Teaming for Sustainable and Resilient Construction, led by Prof. Dikai Liu (University of Technology, Sydney).

    Grant Success

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    Centre Fellow Prof. Alison Gwilt will lead an ARC Linkage Project with partners Prof. Alice Payne, Ms Susan Christophers, Ms Alison Carpenter and Dr Zoe Veness. The project aims to develop an innovative circular design framework to map pathways to convert waste clothing into new products.

    Grant Success

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    Centre Fellow Dr Andrew Yip will lead an ARC Linkage Project with South Australian partnersProf. Amy Roberts, Dr Jared Thomas, Dr Adam Paterson and A/Prof. Tully Barnett. They will collaborate with Kaurna, Narungga and Nukunu peoples from Australia’s Southern Gulf Country to explore how a co-designed approach to digital museology can provide meaningful ways to record and share First Nations stories.

    Edited Book Publication

    Friday, May 3, 2024

    Centre researchers Laureate Prof. Dennis Del Favero, Dr Susanne Thurow, Prof. Michael J. Ostwald and Prof. Ursula Frohne edited a volume on Climate Disaster Preparedness. Reimagining Extreme Events through Art and Technologyfor Springer. The book was just released as open-access and can be downloaded .

    ISEA 2024

    Wednesday, May 1, 2024

    Penumbra, the AI computer graphic installation aesthetically exploring the dynamics of extreme fires, resulting from Dennis Del Favero’s Laureate, produced in collaboration with A/Prof. Yang Song, Prof. Jason Sharples, Mr Alex Ong, Mr Navin Brohier (), Prof. Charles Green (Uni Melbourne) and Prof. Khalid Moinuddin (Victoria Uni), has been selected for exhibition at the International Symposium on Electronic Art at QUT's Constellations venue in Brisbane from June 21-29 this year.

    Future Climate & Clean Energy Expo

    Tuesday, April 30, 2024

    The ARC Laureate iFire prototype system will be exhibited at 's Future Climate & Clean Energy Expo on May 29 on the Kensington Campus.

    CDE Conference

    Monday, April 29, 2024

    Centre researcher Dr Susanne Thurow will be presenting her latest research at this year's CDE conference that focuses on Theatre in the Digital Age – to be held at University of Innsbruck (Austria) from May 2-5, 2024.


    Monday, September 11, 2023

    Penumbra, the AI computer graphic installation aesthetically exploring the dynamics of extreme fires, resulting from Dennis Del Favero’s Laureate, produced in collaboration with Profs Yang Song, Jason Sharples, Alex Ong, Navin Brohier (), Charles Green (Uni Melbourne) and Khalid Moinuddin (Victoria Uni), has been selected forSIGGRAPHAsia at the Powerhouse in December this year.

    ReSource Conference

    Monday, September 11, 2023

    Centre researchers Del Favero, Thurow, Song and Sharma, along with Prof. Ursula Frohne (University of Munster) and Prof. Khalid Moinuddin (Victoria University) are presenting a paper at the10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science & Technology, Università Ca’Foscari Venice in September, exploring the re-imagining of the climate emergency using creative AI visualisation.

    AI In Innovation Prize

    Monday, June 19, 2023

    Future Fellow and iCinema Co-Director, Aspro Yang Song received the WAI Awards 2023 for Women in Asia Pacific (APAC) in Innovation Award.

    ARC Laureate AI PhD

    Monday, June 19, 2023

    Frank Wu, a graduate of Boston University, has been awarded the ARC Laureate AI PhD Scholarship and has joined the iFire Project Team.

    Climate Emergency Art Exhibitions for Turin

    Sunday, March 12, 2023

    FourARC-funded computer graphic projects by Prof. Dennis Del Favero exploring how we interact with extreme climate events have been selected for exhibition at Cavallerizza Museum and ReContemporary Foundation, Turin from September 13 to October 21, 2023. Ranging from the violently autonomous dynamics of wildfires to the oceanic forces faced by climate refugees, they probe the interactive nature of climate aesthetics

    netARChive Powerhouse Exhibition

    Wednesday, March 01, 2023

    TheARC-fundednetARChiveproject will be presented at Powerhouse Castle Hill in September 2023. It will give visitors the opportunity to handle a range of precious objects from the 1850s Powerhouse collection in VR and AR using the hand-tracking feature of Meta’sQuest2headset.

  • Art Cologne

    Thursday, October 27, 2022

    Penumbra– the first art prototype for Dennis Del Favero’sARCLaureateiFireproject – has been selected for exhibition inArt Cologne, one of the world’s most prestigious art fairs. It explores the violent world of unpredictable wildfires, using an immersive and interactive AI 3D installation.

    Graphic Design Award

    Wednesday, October 26, 2022

    We are proud to announce that Dr. Andrew Yip, Co-Leader of iCinema’s Immersive Modelling Research Program, is a finalist in the “Australian Graphic Design Association Awards” for his data sculpture

    Award Nomination

    Wednesday, September 28, 2022

    Michael Scott-Mitchel,ADAAdjunct Professor and Set Designer for Amadeus at the Opera House, with whom iCinema developed the Amadeus virtual design prototype, has been nominated for the prestigious Sydney Theatre Award: Best Set Design for a Mainstage Production.

    Sydney Design Week

    Thursday, June 23, 2022

    TheiDesignstage design virtual prototyping system has been selected for the 2022 edition ofSydney Design Weekby the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences. It will be workshopped in demonstration sessions at ’s Kensington Campus in mid-September. Details can be found.

    iFire Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Tuesday, June 21, 2022

    Dr Baylee Britts has been awarded a highly prestigious Office of National Intelligence Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop a toolkit and theoretical basis for an AI system that can participate in collaborative assessment of motivation and other key rich-text features for theiFireproject.

    Lyndon Terracini AM: Adjunct Professor

    Tuesday, June 21, 2022

    Artistic Director of, Lyndon Terracini, has been appointed an Adjunct Professor at ’s Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture in recognition of his achievements and expertise. He is a Partner Investigator on iCinema’sARCѴǻ𳦳that explores a virtual prototyping system for operatic rehearsal design.

    New President of APDG

    Monday, June 20, 2022

    iCinema’s Prof. Michael Scott-Mitchell has been appointed President of the Australian Production Design Guild, which represents designers across film, television and the performing arts.

    Federal Government Promotion

    Monday, June 20, 2022

    Dr Andrew Yip’s workMetascape Villers Bretonneuxhas been featured in the Augmented & Virtual Reality section of the new Australian Government Arts & Culture website, the Global Business & Talent Attraction Taskforce.

    iFire Appointments

    Sunday, June 19, 2022

    Mario Flores has been awarded anARCLaureate PhD scholarship to develop the Interaction Design foriFirewith a specific focus on end-user application.
    Navin Brohier has been appointed as a Systems Programmer for theiFireproject.

    Barber of Seville Opera Collaboration

    Friday, June 17, 2022

    iCinema is currently developing theiModelvirtual production design system for Opera Australia’s new production ofThe Barber of Seville(dir. Priscilla Jackman).iModelfacilitates the modelling of an entire operatic rehearsal in real time at up to 1:1 scale using theAVIE3D cinematic theatre.

    Conference Proceedings: ISEA2022 (iFire)

    Monday, June 13, 2022

    Laureate Prof. Dennis Del Favero, Dr Susanne Thurow, Prof. Jason Sharples, Dr Grant Stevens, and Prof. Jane Davidson (University of Melbourne) have published a paper in the conference proceedings of the 2022International Symposium on Electronic Art, titled “Visualizing the Unpredictable Behavior of Wildfire Using an Artificially Intelligent Aesthetic”.

    FX Artist Position Open

    Tuesday, March 01, 2022

    iCinema has a Position Open for an FX Artist to work on the world leading iFire AI Visualisation project.

    Residency Program

    Monday, February 21, 2022

    iCinema Artist in Residence Program for High School Students, with Ethan Butcher and Jada-Lee Stephenson has been initiated this year.


    Monday, February 21, 2022

    Computer Graphic Video exploring the experience of climate refugees, developed by Dennis Del Favero with iCinema Lead Systems Engineer, Alex Ong, selected for exhibition as part of “Under the Green Green Glass”, Galerie Brigitee Schenk, Cologne, Germany.

    Deep Eclipse

    Monday, February 21, 2022

    Developed by iCinema Artist in Residence, Elwira Skowronska, with iCinema Systems Engineer Rafael Formosa, this project opened at Artereal Gallery on February 12.

  • Nebula

    Friday, November 05, 2021

    Nebulais an AI immersive exploration of our relationship with the Earth.

    US NSF Grant for Wildfire Research

    Thursday, November 04, 2021

    The Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Centre at San José State University (USA), of which iCinema is an Affiliate Member, was awarded US$2.75M in funding by the National Science Foundation to accelerate wildfire research over the next 5 years. More info.

    New Appointment: PhD Researcher

    Tuesday, August 24, 2021

    Melissa Lu has been appointed a PhD researcher at iCinema on the iModel project. She has a Master of Research in Communication Design and Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design).

    AI Stage Design

    Friday, July 16, 2021

    iDesignprovides theatre companies with an AI 3D stage design modelling system, developed in collaboration withԻ.

    Journal Article: The iDesign platform

    Thursday, July 15, 2021

    Susanne Thurow, Dennis Del Favero andUTScolleague Lawrence Wallen just published an article titled “The iDesign platform: immersive intelligent aesthetics for scenographic modelling” in the journal Theatre & Performance Design.

    Alvie Egan Award 2021

    Friday, July 09, 2021

    Dr Susanne Thurow’swas awarded the, which recognises the best first book of literary scholarship by an Early-Career Researcher (ECR) on an Australian subject, published in the preceding two calendar years.

  • ARC Laureate Fellowship Award

    Wednesday, July 08, 2020

    Professor Del Favero has been awarded a five-year $3.5MARCLaureate Fellowship to develop an AI visualisation platform that can artistically depict unpredictable wildfire scenarios, with funding for two Programmers, two Post-Docs and two PhDs.

    ARC DECRA Fellowship Award

    Tuesday, July 07, 2020

    Dr Wafa Johal, Co-Leader of the iCinema Intelligent Database Systems program, has been awarded a prestigiousARCDECRAFellowship to investigate human-centred robot learning enabling machines to adapt to their environment. Funding includes two PhD appointments.

    News Article: iDesign

    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    TheiDesignARCLinkage project, which is led by Scientia Prof. Dennis Del Favero and develops a virtual set design system for the Sydney Theatre Company andNIDA, has been featured on.

    ARC Award with Opera Australia

    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Professor Del Favero and a team including Prof Scott-Mitchell, Prof Pagnucco, Aspro Bednarz, Dr Thurrow and Dr Yip, along with Lyndon Terracini AM, Artistic Director of Opera Australia and Georgia Rivers, its Executive Director, have been awarded a $560,000ARCLinkage grant to develop a networked virtual rehearsal modelling system for Opera Australia.

    Conference Proceedings: Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Dr Susanne Thurow and Dr Caroline Wake

    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Dr Susanne Thurow and Dr Caroline Wake have published a paper in the conference proceedings of the 2018Theatre & Technologycongress, titled “Dialogical Aesthetics. Reconfiguring Theatrical Spaces through Digital Technology”.

    ed. K. Dreckmann, M. Butte and E. Homberg (2020),Technologies des Performativen(357-365). Bielefeld: transcript.

    Journal Article: Ryan Anthony J. de Belen, A/Pro Tomasz Bednarz, Prof Arcot Sowmya and Prof Dennis Del Favero

    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Ryan Anthony J. de Belen, A/Pro Tomasz Bednarz, Prof Arcot Sowmya and Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero have published an article titled "Computer vision in autism spectrum disorder research: a systematic review of published studies from 2009 to 2019" in the journal Translational Psychiatry.

  • 2019 APDG Award - Prof. Michael Scott-Mitchell

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Congratulations to our Professorial Fellow Michael Scott-Mitchell for winning the 2019 Australian Production Design Guild Award for Set Design for a Live Performance forMadama Butterflywith Opera Australia.

    This new production ofMadama Butterfly, directed by Graeme Murphy, incorporates innovative technology to create a dynamic digital set. Watch it in 2020 atas part of Opera Australia’s Autumn Season (May 6-28).

    Art Gallery of New South Wales’ exhibition – Dr Andrew Yip

    Saturday, December 07, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip’s sculptural reconstruction Chariot Race Concept Model 2019 is currently exhibited in the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ exhibitionDora Ohlfsen and the Façade Commission, until March 2020. Dr Yip employed cutting-edge 3D sculpting and printing manufacturing processes to reconstruct a section of a lost frieze by the early 20th century Austrlaian sculptor Dora Ohlfsen. The process provides a new methodology for reconstructing and analysing lost artefacts.

    ATINER Symposium 2020 – Dr Susanne Thurow

    Thursday, December 05, 2019

    Dr Susanne Thurow will present a paper at next year’sATINERSymposium onDialogues between Images and Textsas part of the11th Annual Conference on Visual and Performing Arts(Athens, June 8-11). The paper will consider multi-modal aesthetics as a vehicle for performative storytelling in Scott Rankin’s playNamatjira(Belvoir, 2010).

    Art Association of Australia & New Zealand Conference – Dr Emma Crott

    Sunday, December 01, 2019

    Dr Emma Crott will present two papers at the upcomingAAANZconference (December 3-6) in Auckland, New Zealand. The first paper analyses the creative practice of the Institute for New Feeling in response to the rise of the commercial wellness industry and new-age spiritualism. The second paper will provide a close theoretical reading of New Zealand photographer Yvonne Todd’s recent seriesTuba(2018) in the context of female fertility and reproduction rights.

    Grant Success - Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme

    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Scientia Prof. Del Favero, Dr Thurow, Dr Yip and Dr Crott were awarded seed funding under the joint Universities Australia &DAAD2019 ‘Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme’. They will collaborate with researchers at Universität Münster (Germany), led by Prof. Ursula Frohne, to develop a proof-of-concept for vivifying performance artworks from the archive of internationally acclaimedSkulptur Projekte Festival.

    Palestine from the Sky conference – Dr Andrew Yip

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip will present a keynote lecture and paper at the upcoming conferencePalestine from the Sky(December 4-7) in Ramallah, Palestine. The paper, co-authored by Dr Yip and Dr Emma Crott and which will be published in the Jerusalem Quarterly in 2020, examines the aesthetics and ethics of Frank Hurley’s aerial photographs of Palestine inWWI. Dr Yip’s Keynote address Australian paintings and photographs of Palestine in the context of the formation of Australian nationalisms aroundWWI.

    SIGGRAPH 2019 Exhibition – Dr Andrew Yip

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip’s new media installationMetascape: Villers Bretonneux (sculptural edition) 2019has been exhibited atSIGGRAPHAsia 2019, Brisbane, the world’s leading forum for computer arts and visualisation. Dr Yip presented a paper on his work, which deep-maps conflict data sets by assigning algorithmic translations to emotional records of aWWIbattle.

    Book Chapter – Dr Andrew Yip

    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip’s co-authored (with Dr Paula Dredge, Dr Anne Gerard-Austin & Simon Ives, Art Gallery ofNSW) study ‘Henry VR: Designing Affect-Oriented Virtual Reality Exhibitions for Art Museums’ has been published inThe Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites(ed. Hannah Lewi, Wally Smith, Dirk vom Lehn & Steven Cooke). This ground-breaking new publication examines leading digital practices in 21st century museums.

    'SOS' Exhibition at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 - Prof. Dennis Del Favero

    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Prof. Dennis Del Favero will present the new VR workSOSatSIGGRAPHAsia2019, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane (November 17-20) created with A/Prof. Tomasz Bednarz, Dr Stephen Sewell and software engineers Alex Ong, Rob Lawther and Evelyn Dang, that brings to life the experiences of refugees as they travel across the ocean in search of a safe haven. Link to

    Exhibition 'Apollo 11 VR' at Powerhouse Museum - Dr Yip

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip, Prof. Dennis Del Favero and software engineers Alex Ong and John Zhang have developed a VR experience as part of theApollo 11exhibition at Powerhouse Museum. It enables visitors to watch the moon landing from the unique perspective of Michael Collins, the third astronaut who remained in orbit aboard the command module. Powerhouse Museum, until June 30, 2020.

    SIGGRAPH Asia exhibition - Dr Andrew Yip

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Dr Andrew Yip will present his new workMetascape: Villers Bretonneux(screen edition) at this year’sSIGGRAPHAsia congress in Brisbane. The installation piece deploys algorithmic-based animations to visualise the emotions experienced by Australian soldiers during the second battle of Villers Bretonneux in 1918.

    Software Engineer Appointment

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Evelyn Dang has been appointed Software Engineer at iCinema. She currently completing her Masters in IT at, with a professional background in business analytics, having worked among others forIBM. Her expertise is in Java, Python,SQLand Unity.

    Business Development Manager Appointment

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Dr Lisa Player has been appointed Business Development Manager at iCinema. She has a strong industry background in start ups, holding a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Sydney.

    Universities Art Association of Canada Conference – Dr Emma Crott

    Sunday, October 20, 2019

    Dr Emma Crott will present a paper at this year’s Universities Art Association of Canada annual conference in Quebec City, Canada (October 24-27).

    Vogesen II Exhibition at Experimenta Science Center (Germany)

    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Prof. Dennis Del Favero’s installation workVogesen IIwill be shown at Germany’s new leading-edge science center Experimenta at Heilbronn from September 27-29, accompanied by an artist presentation as part of theFuture Design: Sm(ART) Artificial and Artistic Intelligenceevent.

    German Studies Association Conference (USA) - Dr Emma Crott

    Saturday, September 14, 2019

    Dr Emma Crott will present a paper at the German Studies Association annual conference held in Portland, Oregon (USA) this year (October 3-6).

    Book Publication (Routledge) - Dr Susanne Thurow

    Tuesday, September 10, 2019

    Our Post-Doctoral Fellow Dr Susanne Thurow has published her bookPerforming Indigenous Identities on the Contemporary Australian Stage. Land, People, Culturewith international first-tier publisher Routledge today. This monograph surveys the development of the contemporary Indigenous Australian theatre sector, focusing particularly on developments spanning the past 20 years, and offering in-depth analyses of two landmark theatre plays. The readings consider manuscript, stage performance as well as production process as integral sites for meaning making and identity constitution, hence expanding the frames of existing scholarly research in the field.

    iDESIGN - Prague Quadrennial 2019

    Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    Dr Susanne Thurow will present a paper at this year’sPrague Quadrennial Congress(June 9). The paper will present current work-in-progress on theARC-funded 360-degreeiDESIGNvisualisation platform that allows comprehensive full-body immersive set design in virtual space, situating the entire creative team in an infinitely malleable 3D datascape that can create, develop and robustly test set designs at 1:1 scale in real-time, supported by an AI database.

    ARC Grant Success - Networked Narrative

    Monday, April 15, 2019

    A team including Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Prof Claude Sammut, Dr Susanne Thurow and Dr Fabri Blacklock, has been awarded anARCLinkage grant to explore the way audiences, using an Artificially Intelligent database, can collectively interact with a museum collection across its geographical sites and urban environments, in collaboration with the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.

    ARC Grant Success - Australian War Memorial

    Friday, April 12, 2019

    A team including Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Prof Michael Thielscher and Post-Doctoral Fellow Dr Baden Pailthorpe, has been awarded an ARCLinkage grant to explore the on-going Afghanistan conflict using innovative forms of digital technology in collaboration with the Australian War Memorial.

    Article Publication - Dr Susanne Thurow

    Thursday, April 11, 2019

    Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Dr Susanne Thurow has contributed an article to the latest Special Issue of the Australasian Drama Studies Journal(no.73) on contemporary Indigenous performance.

    Thurow, S. (2018). ‘Namatjira’: Beyond the Script – Visual and Performative Aesthetics as Conduits for the Communication of Western Arrernte Ontologies.Australasian Drama StudiesNo. 73.

    Conference Presentations - Dr Susanne Thurow

    Thursday, April 11, 2019

    Dr Susanne Thurow will present papers at this year’sPerformance Studies International(Calgary, July 5-7) andBody of Knowledge: Art & Embodied Cognition(June 27-29) conferences. The papers will consider capabilities and limitations of collaboration in the artistic process, and digital technologies as conduits for the communication of Indigenous Australian heritage, respectively.

    Software Engineer Appointments

    Monday, January 28, 2019

    John Zhang has been appointed Software Engineer at iCinema. He comes from an Australian industry leading mobile games company, with an expertise in networks, operating systems, databases and apps.

    ARC Grant Success - AWM

    Monday, January 07, 2019

    A team including Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Prof Michael Thielscher and Post-Doctoral Fellow Dr Baden Pailthorpe, has been awarded anARCLinkage grant to explore the ongoing Afghanistan conflict using innovative forms of digital technology in collaboration with the Australian War Memorial.

  • iDESIGN - Theatre & Technology Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany

    Tuesday, July 03, 2018

    Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Dr Susanne Thurow and Dr Caroline Wake will present a paper at Society for Theatre Studies’ Theatre & Technology Conference at Heinrich-Heine-Universität (Düsseldorf, Germany) this November. The paper will present current work-in-progress on theARC-funded 360-degree iDESIGN visualisation platform that allows comprehensive full-body immersive set design in virtual space, situating the entire creative team in an infinitely malleable 3D datascape that can create, develop and robustly test set designs at 1:1 scale in real-time, supported by an AI database.

    MAGNA Award - Dr Andrew Yip

    Monday, April 02, 2018

    ARC Grant Success

    Sunday, April 01, 2018

    An international team including Scientia Prof Dennis Del Favero, Prof Maurice Pagnucco, Dr Susanne Thurow and Dr Caroline Wake, has been awarded anARCLinkage grant to investigate novel forms of immersive and interactive set design prototyping in collaboration with the Sydney Theatre Company andNIDA.

    Solo Exhibition - Dr Baden Pailthorpe

    Sunday, April 01, 2018

    Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Dr Baden Pailthorpe recently exhibited his solo exhibitionClangeratUTSArt Gallery, Sydney.

    Journal Publication - Dr Susanne Thurow

    Thursday, March 15, 2018

    Our Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Dr Susanne Thurow has contributed an article to the upcoming issue of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, discussing the wide-ranging impact of new technologies on the scope of aesthetic and representational practices in the performing and visual arts. The article also includes a preview of our preliminary research for the newly funded iDesignARCLinkage Project (2018-21; LP170100471), led by Scientia Prof Del Favero and including ’s Prof Maurice Pagnucco (CSE), Dr Caroline Wake (FASS) and Dr Thurow as CIs.

    Thurow, S. (2018). Performative Digital Methodologies: New Interdisciplinary Paradigms for Creative Practice and Analytical Documentation in the Arts.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 18.1: tbc.

    Journal Publication - Dr Denise Thwaites

    Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Our Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Dr Denise Thwaites recently contributed an article to the highly ranked philosophy journal Derrida Today.

    Thwaites, D. 2017. Danto, Derrida and the Artworld Frame. InDerrida Today, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 67-88

    This paper examines the hitherto neglected resonance between Danto’s and Derrida’s concepts of the Artworld and the Frame. In doing so, I challenge prevalent understandings of Danto’s theoretical framework, highlighting the necessary instability that he integrates into his definition of the art object. Equally, I emphasise the applicability of Derrida’s deconstructive concept to the concrete conditions of contemporary artistic practice.

    I begin by examining the tensions present in Danto’s definitional approach, as it demands a complex vision of Artworld relations. I then consider how the ontologically constitutive character of Danto’s Artworld may be re-examined through Derrida’s concept of the parergon, as a supplementary techné that is fundamentally unstable and fragmented. Through this comparative reading I show that despite their different approaches, Danto’s and Derrida’s philosophies of art advance similar ontological conclusions. I thus argue that while their differences should not be minimised, our understanding of Danto’s and Derrida’s aesthetic concepts is enriched through recognition of their unforeseen correspondences.

    Post-doctoral Appointments

    Sunday, January 14, 2018

    Baden Pailthorpe and Denise Thwaites have been appointed Post-Doctoral Fellows at iCinema. Baden is a research artist and/Université ParisVIIIgraduate, while Denise is an art historian and curator and/Université ParisVIIIgraduate.

  • Book Launch

    Monday, March 06, 2017

    Esteemed iCinema researcher, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Neil Brown, will be launching his new book ‘’ on 23rd of March. The framework as presented in this book provides a powerful interface between research and practical reconceptualisations of critical issues and practice in the domains of art, design, and education that involve implications for curriculum in visual arts, teaching and learning, cognitive development, and creativity.

  • Chair Professor of Digital Innovation

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016

    Scientia Professor Del Favero has been appointed Chair Professor of Digital Innovation. Dennis has been Executive Director of Humanities and Creative Arts at the Australian Research Council where he played a central role in the development of the Council’s new Interdisciplinary Policy and Framework, and Scheme Director for the new continuous Linkage scheme. He will lead interdisciplinary and collaborative cross-faculty research acrosswith a particular focus on the development of a newwide Design enterprise.

    Remembrance Day launch

    Monday, October 31, 2016

    The interactive cinema platform of the acclaimed multi-platform defence heritage project,Retrospect, exploring the impact of the Afghanistan war on veterans and their families, will be launched at Museum Victoria by Air Commodore John Meier, AO on November 11. Complementing theOnline, Radio and Television platformslaunched in 2015, it was co-produced with theABC, Australia Council and Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

    Sydney Film Festival selection

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    The Sydney Film Festival has selectedDelugeԻNebula, twoARCDiscovery experimental studies directed by Dennis Del Favero in collaboration with Stephen Sewell and Jeffrey Shaw, for this year’s Festival Program. They are to be screened in iCinema’s Scientia Facility June 8-19.

    Strategic Educational Grant Success

    Monday, May 09, 2016

    Prof Claude Sammut and Prof Sarah Kenderdine along with a large scale collaborative team from Faculties of Art & Design, Engineering and Science, have been awarded $360K to investigate Interactive Virtual Environments for next generation pedagogy.

    New Intelligent Environments Lab in Scientia

    Monday, May 09, 2016

    The Faculty of Engineering Artificial Intelligence Research Group, led by Prof Maurice Pagnucco and Prof Claude Sammut, is installing a new Intelligent Environments Laboratory in the iCinema Scientia Facility. Its focus is to explore and prototype intelligent robotic applications that have capacity to interact within immersive virtual environments such as iCinema’sAVIE.

    Art Cologne feature

    Thursday, April 14, 2016

    Art ColognefeaturedVogesen, anARCDiscovery experimental study prototype, led by Dennis Del Favero in collaboration with Elwira Titan and Peter Weibel, for this year’s fair.

  • Distinguished Professor Award

    Tuesday, January 06, 2015

    Professor Dennis Del Favero was awarded a prestigious Scientia Professorship byin recognition of research stature and excellence. It is the first time it has been awarded to a researcher in the creative arts.

    Australian Grant Success

    Monday, January 05, 2015

    A team led by Professor Michael Thielscher, Associate Director of iCinema, including Professor Maurice Pagnucco, were awarded the highly competitive Discovery Grant from the ARC, to investigate representation and reasoning for Cognitive Personal Robotics.

  • European Grant Success

    Monday, December 15, 2014

    A team led by Wolfgang Tschapeller, Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, Vienna, including Professors Del Favero and Thielscher were awarded the esteemed Austrian Research Foundation Grant to investigate new forms of immersive architectural visualisation.

    iCinema @ GLOBALE 2015

    Monday, September 01, 2014

    Three new iCinema projectsAtmoscape,iLandԻiDatahave been selected to premiere atGLOBALE, Germany, in June 2015.

    NIEA iCinema Lab launch

    Monday, August 18, 2014

    The newNIEAiCinema Lab, located atArt & Design and directed by Prof Del Favero, is an experimental interdisciplinary laboratory that will undertake research, teaching and exhibition in the fields of immersive environments, physical/virtual interactivity and networked collaboration. The Lab will operate as a cross faulty facility for researchers and students from Art & Design, Arts & Social Sciences, Engineering andNIDA. It is furnished with a 3D projection system; custom 160 degree wrap-around silver screen; image generators; a 5.1 Channel sound system; Optitrack Motion Capture System; and various interfaces for physical and virtual interactivity.

    iCinema @ 3D Symposium BEYOND

    Monday, July 14, 2014

    Prof Del Favero to present at the 2014 iteration ofBEYOND, Karlsruhe.

  • Infrastructure Grant Success - Motion Capture System for Real Time Human and Robotic Interaction

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    iCinema, led by Prof Del Favero, in partnership with ’s School of Computer Science (Faculty of Engineering), Centre for Modernism Studies, School of the Arts and Media (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) andNIDA, has been awarded aMREIIgrant for a Motion Capture System for Real Time Human and Robotic Interaction. The new system will be installed in theAVIEsystem in Scientia and theNIEAiCinema Lab atCOFA. The grant investigates the interaction between human, robotic and virtual agents through the use of motion capture technology.

    New AVIE facility at UTS

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013

    The Vice-Chancellor of The University of Technology, Sydney, Professor Ross Milbourne, today visited ’s iCinema Centre in the Scientia Facility which housesAVIE, its world leading 360 degree 3D virtual reality environment. The visit is in honour of the recent multi-million dollar commission byUTSfor anAVIEsystem and support package based on the technology developed by the iCinema Centre. The commission forms the basis for a strategic research alliance between the two universities, through the iCinema Centre and the newly established Data Arena facility atUTS. The Data Arena will be located in the atrium of UTS’s new Faculty of Engineering and IT Building, which is set to be completed in April 2014. The two AVIEs can be networked so as to explore shared virtual reality spaces for collaborative research in all faculties.

    UTShas engaged Immersive Realisation to design and construct theAVIEsystem. TheAVIEatUTS, when networked to theAVIEat, will provide a world first platform for interactive virtual collaboration across geographically distributed locations. This will allow, for example, the interactive prototyping of real world architectural designs, with clients in oneAVIEand designers in another, but both sharing the same virtual space and able to make changes to the same 3D design before construction begins. This collaboration forms the first step in the development of a globally networkedAVIEsystem, interconnecting the AVIE’s in Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong and Karlsruhe (Germany).

  • Top Research Ranking

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    TheFilm, Television and Digital Media discipline, led by iCinema, was the only cohort in Australia to score 5 out of 5 for this discipline in the 2012 Excellence in Research Australia evaluation of research excellence.

    ARC LIEF Grant Success

    Wednesday, November 07, 2012

    Prof Waller, Dr Vinayak V Dixit and Prof Del Favero have been awarded anARCLIEFgrant to develop a multi-institutional Simulation Laboratory, supporting a new generation of transport analysis for intelligent transport systems (ITS).

    ARC Linkage Grant Success

    Monday, July 02, 2012

    Project Title:Reformulating war memory as a dialogical interactive narrative

    Project Summary
    The project uses cutting-edge visualisation technology to explore ways to communicate and understand the collective experiences and memories of war. The project will enable the active participation of defence personnel and their families in the creation of a world first interactive archive of war stories.

    Del Favero, Prof Dennis G; Harley, Prof Ross R; Bennett, Prof Jill ; Thielscher, Prof Michael ; Brown, Em/Prof Neil C; Stockings, Dr Craig A; Kuchelmeister, Mr Volker ; MacGregor, Mr Anthony K; Reid, Dr Richard E

    Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Army History Unit, Royal Australian Air Force Airpower Development Centre, Australia Council , Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Museum of Victoria

  • ARC Discovery Grant Success

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Dennis Del Favero, leading a team including Jill Bennett, Neil Brown, Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, have been awarded a grant to undertake research into visualising the atmosphere using global satellites and intelligent imaging systems.
    Working with Jeffrey Shaw and Johnny Chan ( City University of Hong Kong), Peter Weibel (ZKMGermany) and Ursula Frohne (University of Cologne) the project provides with an opportunity to advance our understanding of atmosphere and climate by building the world’s first remote sensing visualisation system networked across three continents.

    Infrastructure Grant Success

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    iCinema, in partnership with the Centre for Climate Change Research and Centre for Autonomous Systems, has been awarded aMREIIgrant for a massive data server and visualisation system. It provides the infrastructure necessary for interdisciplinary projects across the three centres by allowing storage of massive data volumes and ultra high speed graphics rendering.

    Fulbright Award

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Laura Aymerich, a Visiting Fellow at iCinema, has been awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship to study at Stanford University.

    3D Panoramic World Record

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    by Volker Kuchelmeister is the largest 3D panoramic picture ever produced. Presented at theZKMCentre for Art and Media Karlruhe, it explores connections between two radically different environments, the Tasmanian wilderness and extreme urban development in Hong Kong.

    AVIE for Festival of Avignon

    Thursday, July 07, 2011

    Jean Michele Bruyère’s La Dispersion du Fils, inspired by and developed within iCinema’sAVIEhas been selected for exhibition at theFestival of Avignon, France, 7 -24 July 2011.
    Produced by LFKs Marseille for Epidemic Paris, the work is by Jean Michel Bruyère with Matthew McGinity, Delphine Varas and Thierry Arredondo.

    Sydney Film Festival

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    The AI computer graphic interactive installation,Scenario, directed by Professor Dennis Del Favero, with script by Stephen Sewell and AI by Associate Professor Maurice Pagnucco, has been selected to premiere at this year’sSydney Film Festival.

    Export Success

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    iCinema’s pioneering virtual reality technology behind the Sydney Film Festival Scenario project has produced an innovative Australian export success story: a 360-degree, 3D mine safety-training simulator which promises to boost worker safety in China’s mining industry.

    Gold MUSE award

    Tuesday, February 08, 2011

    Museum Victoria, an iCinema industry partner,received the GoldMUSEaward for itsRio Tinto Volcanic 3D inAVIEby iCinema, a state-of-the-art 360-degree fully immersive and interactive 3D cinema exhibit in the Dynamic Earth exhibition at Melbourne Museum.

    ERA score of 5

    Monday, February 07, 2011

    The Film, Television and Digital Media researchers atled by iCinema, achieved a score of 5 out of 5 for the 2010 Excellence in Research Australia, recognising it as the leading group for this Field of Research in the country.

  • ARC Professorial Fellowship

    Friday, November 19, 2010

    Associate Professor Dennis Del Favero, Director of the iCinema Centre has been awarded a five year Australian Professorial Fellowship (APF) by the Australian Research Council, the first ever awarded in the creative arts. APF’s are one of the most prestigiousARCFellowships.

    ARC Discovery Grant

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Associate Professor Dennis Del Favero has been awarded anARCDiscovery grant in collaboration with Professor J. Shaw and Professor J. Chan from the City University of Hong Kong and Professor T. Smith, from the University of Pittsburgh. The project investigates the relationship between landscape and climate change through a world first system that integrates online cinema and online television.

    WLA conference USA

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    Dr Tim Barker, A/Prof Del Favero and Ardrian Hardjono will present their paper “Memory Processes and Frontier Technology” at the War Literature and the Arts Conference at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs. Their paper addresses the potential for an interactive and direct representation of war by defence force personnel.

    ARC appointment

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    Associate Professor Del Favero has been appointed to the ARC’s Excellence in Research for Australia Evaluation Committee for the Humanities and Creative Arts.

    CSE Head of School

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    A/Prof Maurice Pagnucco, a member of the iCinema Executive, has been appointed the new Head of School for Computer Science and Engineering. He replaces Prof Paul Compton, Co-Director of iCinema, who after 20 years of service to, including 9 years as Head of School, will retire and assume the title of Emeritus Professor.

    Eureka Nomination

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    iCinema has been selected as a 2010 finalist the Australian MuseumARCEureka Prize for Excellence in Research by an Interdisciplinary Team category for itsAVIEԻiDOMEinnovations. Winners of the premier national science award will be announced at a gala award dinner in Sydney on Tuesday 17 August.

    Post-Doctoral Fellowship award

    Monday, June 21, 2010

    Dr Tim Barker has been awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the iCinema Centre. His research focuses on theories of digital aesthetics, interactivity and philosophies of time and process.

  • 2 PCM conference papers

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Volker Kuchelmeister presented 2 papers: Immersive Mixed Media Augmented Reality Applications and Technology and Universal capture through stereographic multi-perspective recording;
    and scene reconstruction at the 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Bangkok Thailand, December 2009.

    ARC Linkage grant awarded

    Monday, November 23, 2009

    Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown, Paul Compton and Jeffrey Shaw have been awarded anARCLinkage grant of $628,300 with industry funding of $575,000 to develop the world’s first immersive 360-degree data browser that enables the creative organisation of data into narrative forms. Project partners include Peter Weibel, Lev Manovich, Sarah Kenderdine, Tim Hart, Horace Ip. Industry partners include the Australia Council, Museum Victoria,ZKMCentre for Arts and Media, City University of Hong Kong and University of California San Diego.

    Forgetful Sky

    Monday, November 16, 2009

    Two newDVDinstallations directed by Dennis Del Favero and scripted by Stephen Sewell,Literary Fellow, were launched by Elizabeth Macgregor, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art at Boutwell Draper Gallery, Sydney on October 29th and will be on exhibition until November 21st. The projects were originally shown as part of Art Cologne, Germany, earlier this year.

    Imagining Media @ ZKM

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Media art projects of Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Jeffrey Shaw, Matt McGinity and Volker Kuchelmeister, have been selected for a large-scale retrospective at the Media Museum of theZKMCenter for Art and Media Karlsruhe for the ZKM’s 20th anniversaryexhibition 10th October 2009 – 31st December 2010

    T_Visionarium OPEN CITY

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival.T_VisionariumOPENCITY, with content documenting a century of urbanisation from theVPROand Netherlands archives will premiere at the Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam on Wednesday 4 November. It will be on show till the 22 November.

    ISMAR paper

    Monday, October 05, 2009

    Tim Barker, a Visiting Fellow with iCinema will present his paper "Process and (Mixed) Reality: A Process Philosophy for Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments” at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) in Florida on 20th October 2009.

    Appointment to the ARC

    Monday, September 14, 2009

    Associate Professor Dennis Del Favero, the iCinema Director, has been appointed to the ARC’sERAHumanities and Creative Arts Research Evaluation Committee. He joins a group of 22 other distinguished Australian researchers to assess research across the entire University sector.

    New Director for iCinema

    Monday, September 07, 2009

    Associate Professor Dennis Del Favero has been appointed the new Director of iCinema and the inaugural Visiting Professorial Fellow atZKM, Germany. Professor Jeffrey Shaw, following his new appointment as Chair Professor and Dean of Creative Media at City University Hong Kong, has stepped down as Director of iCinema but will continue as a Co-Director of iCinema.

    IDEA2009 Gold Award

    Monday, July 27, 2009

    The iCinema Centre has been conferred the world’s leading design award, the GoldIDEA(International Design Excellence Awards) presented by the Industrial Designers Society of America. The award is for iCASTS, iCinema’s unique visualisation and interaction systems for art, education, and safety training. The award also recognises Tiller Design, who have designed the user interface consoles forICASTS.

    Australian Museum Eureka Prize Finalist

    Monday, July 20, 2009

    iCinemahas been selected as a 2009 Australian Museum Eureka Prize finalist for itsAVIEand iDOME innovations. Winners of the premier national science award will be announced at a gala award dinner in Sydney on Tuesday 18 August.

    Un Volcan Numerique

    Monday, July 13, 2009

    The iCinema research project T_Visionarium along with Jean Michele Bruyre’s La Dispersion du Fils, inspired by and developed within iCinema’sAVIE, and Double District, an iCinema collaboration with the innovative dance companyKARASԻUNMAKEABLELOVEhave been selected for exhibition at Un Volcan Numerique, Le Havre, France, curated by Richard Castelli.
    17 -27 June 2009

    Seconde Nature

    Monday, July 13, 2009

    T_Visionarium and La Dispersion du Fils, Bruyre’s work realised as part of an iCinema Fellowship, have also been selected for inclusion in the Seconde Nature exhibition, Aix-en-Provence, France.
    7 July – 1 August

  • Place-Hampi at the Immigration Museum

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    iCinema project Place-Hampi by Sarah Kenderdine, Jeffrey Shaw, John Gollings and Paul Doornbusch will be showing at the Immigration Museum, Melbourne from 13 November 2008.

    Biennial of Seville

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    T_Visionarium by Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matthew McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, has been selected for the Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville. It will be showcased alongside some 180 international artworks addressing the relationship between human society and the environment.
    2/10/08 – 11/1/09

    Shanghai eArts Festival

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    T_Visionarium has also been selected for the Shanghai e-Arts Festival (program eLandscapes) at the Zendai Museum of Modern Art. The Festival will also feature La Dispersion du Fils by iCinema Visiting Fellow Jean Michel Bruyre created for iCinema’sAVIEplatform along with Place-Hampi and Double District.
    18/10/08 -10/11/08

    iCinema Chair appointed to ERA

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Dennis Del Favero has been appointed by the Federal Government as a member of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Creative Arts sub-committee to advise on assessing creative art research in Australia. TheERAis the principal body responsible for evaluating research excellence undertaken in Australia universities.

    iCinema's Associate Professor Ross Harley awarded ARC Linkage Grant

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    AnARCLinkage Grant has been awarded to iCinema Executive Member, Associate Professor Ross Harley and School of Media Arts’ Mr John Gillies for their project Video Art Online: fromUBUfilms to the Present.
    The project will create, consolidate and link to substantial materials pertinent to video art in Australia. By way of a dynamic online video database and online archives, this project will make available works from the 1960s-90s alongside more of the most recent video works. Acknowledging and utilising the possibilities of user-generated and participatory media, video art online aims to link artists, organisations and collections together by way of open-source and Creative Commons protocols. This project makes use of innovative ways of exhibiting, circulating, annotating and supplementing video works in the age of peer-to-peer networks.

    Un_imaginable publication

    Monday, July 21, 2008

    The Un_imaginable publication by Dennis Del Favero, Ursula Frohne and Peter Weibel, comprising Book/DVD(published by Hatje Cantz), conference and exhibition will be launched atZKMon July 2 and Ivan Dougherty Gallery July 10.

    The project investigates how recent events in spheres of life ranging from ecology through to the judicial have redefined our notion of the unimaginable.

    Stephen Sewell Literary Fellow

    Monday, July 14, 2008

    Celebrated playwright Stephen Sewell has been awardedLiterary Fellow 2008-09 to work with iCinema developing a script for the Centre’s innovative Scenario project.

    Painting in the Era of Digital Reproducibility

    Monday, April 21, 2008

    Andrew Benjamin
    iCinema Digital Media Seminar
    Weds 30 April 6pm

    Jean Otth

    Sunday, April 20, 2008

    The renowned Anarchive series curated by Anne-Marie Duguet, has just published Jean Otth … on the Council of Nicea.
    TheDVD-ROMpresents Jean Otth’s video art and work in other media ranging from painting and photography to the computer.

    Digital Lynch: Framing the Media's INLAND EMPIRE

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Julian Murphet
    iCinema Digital Media Seminar
    Weds 26 March 6pm

    Adelaide Festival 08

    Monday, February 18, 2008

    Eclipse by Dennis Del Favero has been selected for exhibition as part of the Adelaide Festival’s Biennial of Australian Art 28 Feb – 4 May 2008

    Adelaide Festival

    Friday, January 18, 2008

    Eclipse by Dennis Del Favero has been selected for exhibition as part of the Adelaide Festival’s Biennial of Australian Art 28 Feb – 4 May 2008

    Jean Otth … on the Council of Nicea

    Monday, January 07, 2008

    The renowned Anarchive series curated by Anne-Marie Duguet, has just published Jean Otth … on the Council of Nicea.
    TheDVD-ROMpresents his video art and work in other media from painting and photography to the computer.

    T_Visionarium at Sydney Festival

    Monday, January 07, 2008

    Interactive Cinema is Here
    And it’s blurring the boundary between audience and screen that has stood firm since cinema’s dawning more than a century ago. This new form of cinema is being pioneered with technology created by the iCinema Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia.

  • From Spark to Pixel

    Monday, December 24, 2007

    PLACE-Hampi by Jeffrey Shaw and Sarah Kenderdine currently exhibiting in Vom Funken Zum Pixel (From Spark to Pixel)
    Curated by Richard Castelli Martin-Gropius-Bau Gallery, Berlin 28 Oct 2007 – 14 Jan 2008

    Digital Media Seminar #2

    Tuesday, November 20, 2007

    After Image, or Invisible Revolution Digital Media Seminar by Prof Lev Manovich
    Weds 21 November 6pm

    Digital Media Seminar #1

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    The Politics of Wonder Digital Media Seminar by Prof Sean Cubitt
    Weds 24 October 6pm

    & Coal Services sign a multi-million dollar virtual reality training deal

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    ’s commercialisation division, New South Innovations (NSi) has signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Coal Services Pty Ltd to supply a suite of virtual-reality theatres developed by the iCinema Centre to support mine safety training.

    Inhabiting the Cultural imaginary iCinema VSMM07 Symposium

    Thursday, August 09, 2007

    Focusing on new electronic art research, internationally acclaimed theorists and practitioners demonstrate and discuss recent advances in immersive and narrative exchange between human and place, human and machine agent, human and human.
    Speakers: Lev Manovich, Sean Cubitt, Johannes Goebel, Jeffrey Shaw, Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown. 21st September

    World leading researchers appointed

    Monday, August 06, 2007

    Professor Lev Manovich and Professor Anne-Marie Duguet, two of the leading international researchers in the field of digital media, have been appointed as Visiting Research Professors at the iCinema Centre.

    Researchers receive Goldstar Award

    Monday, January 08, 2007

    Researchers Dr Maurice Pagnucco, Professor Jeffrey Shaw and Dr Malcom Ryan have received a 2007Goldstar Award to develop a cognitive programming language for controlling virtual characters in an interactive narrative.

    PLACE-Hampi exhibits in Lille3000

    Monday, January 08, 2007

    Commissioned by Lille3000 and part of an iCinemaARCLinkage Project,PLACE-Hampi premiered in the Lille Opera, October 14th. 2006 and will be on exhibition until January 14, 2007.PLACE-Hampi demonstrates a highly innovative and effective approach to virtual heritage.

  • iCinema is awarded ARC Linkage Project grant

    Thursday, August 17, 2006

    iCinema researchers Shaw, Del Favero, Brown, Compton and Pagnucco along with Drs van Schaik and Jin (University of Sydney); A/Professor H S Seah (NTU, Singapore) Professor Weibel (ZKM), Ms Kenderdine, Mr T Hart (Museum Victoria) and Dr Fritz (University of Pennsylvannia) have been awarded anARCgrant to undertake a virtual heritage project for theUNESCOworld heritage site of Hampi, India.

    Vice-Chancellor to inaugurate iCinema Scientia Facility

    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    Professor Fred Hilmer, the new Vice-Chancellor of, is to inaugurate iCinema’s Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment (AVIE) within its Scientia Facility on August 21. He will also open iCinema’s T_Visionarium II, an interactive immersive virtual environment that allows viewers withinAVIEto spatially navigate a televisual database.

    T_Visionarium I, at Casa Dell'Archittetura, Rome

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    T_Visionarium I, an interactive installation by Dennis Del Favero, Jeffrey Shaw, Neil Brown, Peter Weibel, has been selected for presentation in Artescienza: Spazio Deformato at Casa Dell’Archittetura, Rome, 18 May – 15 June, a major international survey exhibition of interactive and video art. Other artists included in this major survey are Viola, Hill, Abramovich, Oppenheim and Paik (

    Rethinking the Past

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    A paper by Ph.D student Tim Barker has been selected for the international conference Rethinking the Past: Experimental Histories in the Arts atUTSJuly 28-29, 2006.


    Sunday, February 19, 2006


    Jeffrey Shaw has been invited to curate a major international survey of new media art entitled NewFoundLand for Luxembourg European Cultural Capital 2007.

    ORIBE Prize

    Monday, February 13, 2006

    Jeffrey Shaw has been awarded the prestigious JapaneseORIBEprize.

    V2 Institute-Rotterdam

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    V2 Institute-Rotterdam

    Afterwards, a newLEDText work by Dennis Del Favero along with Pentimento is to exhibited by the v2-Institute, Rotterdam during March, as part of their Inviting Horror project. TheLEDis to be screened on the Erasmus Bridge Tower in the city centre.

    Digital Arts Edition

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown, Jill Bennett, and Maurice Pagnucco, have been awarded a $25,000grant to develop Un_imaginable, the first in the Digital Arts Edition Book/DVDseries in collaboration withZKM, Germany, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Cologne.

  • Conversations @ the Studio

    Monday, April 11, 2005

    Work has begun on a new collaborative project, Conversations @ the Studio, which will become part of the Sydney Powerhouse Museum’s planned new decorative arts gallery. It will allow museum visitors to explore the traditional craft of glass blowing, using state-of-the-art interactive cinematic technologies. The installation will be launched at the opening of the Powerhouse Museum’s new permanent gallery, Inspired! Design Across Time, in August of this year.

    Deep Sleep

    Monday, April 04, 2005

    Deep Sleep, theDVDproject by Dennis Del Favero, has been selected to feature in the highly prestigious Videonale exhibition, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Europe’s premier survey show of video art. Deep Sleep was published as the first in the iCinema Digital Monographs Series.

    Australian Research Council Awards

    Monday, January 03, 2005

    Dr Dennis Del Favero has been awarded a Queen Eliabeth II Fellowship, one of Australia’s most prestigious research awards. Del Favero and Professor Jeffrey Shaw have been awarded an Discovery Grant to investigate narrative interchanges between human participants and machine agents.

  • Conversations - Powerhouse Museum

    Wednesday, December 01, 2004

    Conversations – an iCinema research project installation, will be operating at the Powerhouse Museum from 13 -19 Dec 2004.
    Visitors wear stereoscopic head mounted displays to look into a 3D virtual rendition of a crime scene.

    Fantasmi Exhibition

    Monday, August 02, 2004

    Fantasmi Exhibition Dennis Del Favero, new media works 1994-2004
    8 July – 14 August, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney
    Book launch 28 July, 5:30 pm

    T_Visionarium - Lille

    Monday, March 15, 2004

    An extended virtual environment by Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown, Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, was selected for the highly prestigious European Cultural Capital Festival Lille. December 03 – March 04.

    ARC Infrastructure Grant

    Friday, March 05, 2004

    The iCinema Centre and its partners at the University of Melbourne,RMITand Australian National University have been awarded anARCLinkage Infrastructure Grant to develop the world’s first 360×240 degree panoramic video camera.


    Monday, March 01, 2004

    iCinema has been awarded a Capital Infrastucture Grant fromto establish the Advanced Visualization and Interaction Environment, the world’s first 360 degree panoramic stereoscopic projection environment.

  • ReconFiguring the CAVE

    Tuesday, September 23, 2003

    A computer-graphic installation by Jeffrey Shaw (Executive Director of iCinema), Agnes Hegedues and Bernd Lintermann is to be presented at Scientia,Kensington. ReconFiguring theCAVEis an internationally acclaimed work offering an unprecedented immersive interactive visualization experience.


    Monday, September 22, 2003

    A four screen interactive video installation by Dennis Del Favero and Andre Bernhardt, is currently on display atACMI, Melbourne until November 2003. This project uses an intelligent motion tracking system allowing viewers to navigate a narrative database through their physical movement.

    Federation Fellowship

    Monday, April 21, 2003

    Two of this year’s prestigious Federation Fellowships for scientific research have been awarded toresearchers: Professor Jeffrey Shaw and Associate Professor Michelle Simmons.


    Thursday, March 20, 2003

    Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown (), Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel (ZKM) have just been awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery grant of $250,000 to undertake the research and development of an new interactive cinema prototype entitled T_Visionarium.


    Wednesday, March 19, 2003

    Conversations is anARCfunded experimental Distributed Multi-User Virtual Environment composed of four identical, electronically linked units separately positioned at remote locations. Each unit has a computer with large screen, a specially modified bicycle home trainer and a head mounted video display with integrated microphone, headphones and spatial tracking device.

    Future Cinema

    Friday, March 14, 2003

    FUTURECINEMA, The Cinematic Imaginary after Film is the first major international exhibition of current art practice in the domain of video, film, computer and web based installations that embody and anticipate new cinematic techniques and modes of expression.

    The exhibition is curated by Jeffrey Shaw (iCinema) and Peter Weibel (ZKM) and includes works by a number of iCinema researchers.


    Friday, March 14, 2003

    Conference and Digital Arts Publication, September 2004
    Convened and published by – iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research,, Sydney; the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne;ZKM, Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe; International University Bremen, Bremen.