Sahand Tadbiri

Sahand Tadbiri

PhD Student
Earth and Sustainability Science Research Centre
Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I am a full time PhD candidate in the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science. I have done two masters degrees in Azad University (IAU) in Iran and University of New South Wales () in Australia, both in Structural Geology. My research interests and expertise are in structural geology and tectonics, engineering geology and petrology.

ʰ𳦳:The relationship between basaltic dykes, joints/fractures and faults within the Sydney Basin

Supervised by: Dr Ian Graham and Professor Martin Van Kranendonk

Project Description: The ever-growing population of Sydney has put stress on public demand for development of public-transport infrastructure, particularly the railways and underground metro network. This requires large scale deep excavations in Sydney CBD and greater Sydney region. The existing geological features such as joints/faults and basaltic dykes and the extent, degree and alteration types of them have considerable impact on the cost, methods and duration of construction projects. Therefore, a broad-ranging study on the relationships between basaltic dykes, joints/fractures and faults within the Sydney Basin as a whole is inevitably needed for the sustainable future planning and development of this region which is home to over five million people.
Although the geology of the Sydney Basin is a widely researched topic, not enough studies have been focused on the basaltic dykes, their geometry, geochemistry and their relationships with other geological structures such as faults and fractures within the greater Sydney region. Therefore, to fill this knowledge gaps this study is going to focus on the relationships between basaltic dykes and adjacent localized structures such as joints and faults to understand the mechanism of dyke emplacement and relate these back to the overall tectonic framework of the Sydney Basin. Also, this study will investigate the basalts themselves in terms of their mineralogy, geochemistry alteration and age to understand their genesis in relation to the overall eastern Australian intraplate basaltic volcanics.

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Tadbiri.S, Almasian. M, Pourkermani. M, (2012)"Structural analysis in Chah-Savar -Agha quarry with special emphasis on recognition and separation of paleostress phases” Journal of Geosciences of Azad University Tehran branch.

Tadbiri.S, Almasian. M, Pourkermani. M, (2012)"Survey of the role of tectonic structures and in-situ stress phases on instability of northern slope of Chah-Savar-Agha quarry", Journal of Science of Kharazmi University.

Lamei Ramandi. H, Min Liu, Tadbiri. S, Mostaghimi. P, (2018) “Impact of dissolution of syngenetic and epigenetic minerals on coal permeability” Journal of Chemical Geology.

Martin Van Kranendonk, Tara Djokic, Greg Poole, Sahand Tadbiri, Luke Steller, Raphael Baumgartner, (2018). “Depositional setting of the fossiliferous, c. 3480 Ma Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton”: A review. In, Van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V., Hoffmann, J.E. (eds): Earth’s Oldest Rocks, 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0-444-63901-1. Elsevier Inc. 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States.

Tadbiri. S, Van Kranendonk, M., (2020) "Structural analysis of syn-depositional hydrothermal veins of the 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Australia. Journal of Precambrian Research