Joanna Buswell studied a Master of Science investigating rapid evolution of plants introduced to Australia and New Zealand, jointly through Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Victoria University (Wellington, NZ). Joanna now works as a freelance ecologist in New Zealand undertaking contract work for organisations such as the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

As a freelance ecologist, Joanna undertakes vegetation monitoring field work (building up botanical skills!), data management and is also working on New Zealand's response to myrtle rust.

“I enjoy working on a wide variety of projects and I can work from basically anywhere - as long as I have an internet connection and decent desk setup! This work builds on the skills I have built up both in my study and my previous jobs,” said Joanna.

Before this role, Joanna worked at the NZ Ministry for the Environment leading a science-based work programme centred on reporting carbon estimates of indigenous forest to the United Nations.