Upcoming and recent events are displayed on our mainEvents page.
Our past events listed below are also available to view via.
Upcoming and past seminars can be viewed via the Seminars page.
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s

    O Week Welcome:

    Maths, Statistics & Data Science

    10 February 1:30-2:30pm
    12 March 5:15pm Concord Golf Club Daniel Mansfield
    The Mathematics of Knots: ACEMS public lecture 1 April 12:00pm Online Jessica Purcell

    Panel Discussion:

    The Road Ahead for Women in STEM

    12 May 12:00pm Online
    Becoming a PhD student: What does it take? 21 May 5-7:40pm Online
    Girls Do the Maths 10 June 9:30am Roundhouse
    Postgraduate Conference 2021 11 August 9am-5:30pm Online
    Python Boot Camp 25 August - 8 September 5pm Online

    "Apart but together": 's Ultimate

    Social Get Together for students

    27 August 5pm Online
    Open Day 2021 4 September 11am Online
    Honours Info Session 8 October 1-2:30pm Zoom

    Advanced Mathematics Day 2021 -

    resources to replace the event

    15 October - 21 November N/A Website

    ACEMS Virtual Public Lecture:

    Statistical Methodology Development and Software Dissemination

    28 October 12pm Online Matt P. Wand
    ACEMS Virtual Public Lecture - Extreme Diffusion 4November 11am Online Ivan Corwin
    Stats Central: How to avoid p-hacking, HARKing and other statistical sins 18November 2:30pm Online Gordana Popovic
    2021 in Graphs - Stats Central seminar 9 December 2:30pm Online David Warton
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    O Week: Maths, Statistics + Data Science Welcome - T1 2020 12 February 2-3pm Robert Webster Theatre A
    MathSoc Integration Bee 2020 19 February 2pm Electrical Engineering G22
    Virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference (vISEC2020) 22-26 June 7am-9pm Online
    Becoming a PhD student:
    Start getting ready NOW!
    24 June 4pm Online (Zoom session) Ray Li
    Becoming a PhD student:
    What does it take?
    24 June 5pm Online (Zoom session) Ian Doust
    Experience Science Day 1 July 4-5pm Online event
    12 August 9am-5pm Via Microsoft Teams
    30 August - 2 September 9am-5pm Online
    Some Mathematical Aspects of Physical Oceanography:A public lecture 31 August 7-8pm Online Trevor McDougall
    Open Day 2020 5 September 9am-4pm
    Datathon 2020 3 - 4 October 9am-6pm Online: Zoom and Slack
    Just how much water is down there, and will it last? 14 October 12pm Zoom

    Advanced Mathematics Day -

    resources to replace the event

    16 October - 23 November 9am-5pm Website resources
    Daniel Mansfield - The Forgotten Geometry of Ancient Mesopotamia: Revelations from an ancient clay tablet 30 November 7pm Webinar via Teams Daniel Mansfield
    Info Day 2020 19 December 10am
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    AMSI Summer School 2019 7 January - 1 February 9am - 5pm
    Public Lecture:
    A Maths/Physics View of Ocean Circulation
    30 January 7-8:30pm Science Theatre Stephen Griffies
    Subfactors in Sydney 2019 4 - 8 February 9am-5pm
    4 - 6 February 9am-5pm
    O Week Maths, Statistics + Data Science Welcome T1 2019 13 February 2-3pm Robert Webster Theatre A
    Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Day 9 May 8am Central Lecture Block,
    Postgraduate Immersive Information Evening 15 May 5:30pm Hyatt Regency Sydney
    Lunch to celebrate the inaugural International Women in Maths Day 16 May 12:30-2pm Room 3082, Red Centre
    MathsCraft teacher get-together 17 May 4:30pm School of Maths & Stats Common Room
    Randomised Assessments Workshop 21 May 9am-3pm Red Centre, Room M020
    Time Series: A Conference Honouring Prof William Dunsmuir 6 June 5pm Room 4082, Red Centre
    11 - 14 June 9am-5pm Roundhouse
    Becoming a PhD student: What does it take? 14 June 3-4pm Room 4082, Red Centre Bldg Marley Young, Ian Doust
    Science Majors Expo 2 July 11:30am-2:30pm Colombo Theatres,
    8 July - 12 July 9am-5pm UTS Business School
    Jake Olivier: Meet the Professors 8 July 3pm Chancellery - Council Chambers Jake Olivier
    Noncommutative Calculus and the Spectral Action 5 - 9 August 9am-5pm Room 4082, Red Centre Building
    Postgraduate Conference 2019 13 August 9am-5pm Colombo Theatres,
    Catherine Greenhill: Meet the Professors 27 August 3:30pm Chancellery - Council Chambers Catherine Greenhill
    Open Day 2019 7 September 9am
    Science T3 Welcome 2019 11September 11am Ainsworth G03 Lecture Theatre
    How maths can reveal the secrets in your face... No more lying about your age! 19September 5pm Colombo Theatres, Kate Smith-Miles
    Australian Cybersecurity Education Summit 2019 20September 8:30am-6:30pm Leighton Hall,
    Girls Do the Maths 20September 9am The Roundhouse,
    Josef Dick: Meet the Professors 25September 3:30pm Chancellery - Council Chambers Josef Dick
    Number Theory Down Under 7 (NTDU-7) 30 September - 3 October 9am-5pm Room 4082, Red Centre Bldg
    Advanced Mathematics Day 4 October 9:30am Tyree Room, Scientia
    Mathematics Teachers Professional Development workshops 9 - 11 October 9am-5pm
    9October 6pm Commonwealth Bank Place
    Zen and the Art of Bayesian Geology 23October 6pm Colombo Theatre C, Hugh Durrant-Whyte (NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer)
    Frances Kuo: Meet the Professors 28 October 3:30pm Chancellery - Council Chambers Frances Kuo
    Workshop on Geometry and Optimisation 5 - 6 November 9am-5pm RC-4082 Red Centre
    11 - 20 November 9:30am-3:30pm
    22November 3pm Room 4082, Red Centre Bldg Holly Krieger
    Moninya Roughan: Meet the Professors 3December 3:30-4:30pm Chancellery - Council Chambers Moninya Roughan
    9 - 13 December 9am-12:30pm Colombo Theatres,
    Risk: Modelling, Optimization and Inference workshop 12 -13 December 9am-5pm Macquarie University City Campus
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    1 January - 31 March 9am-5pm Online
    Statistical Learning with Big Data: A Public Lecture 8 March 6pm Science Theatre Trevor Hastie
    Data Analytics Career Seminar and Lunch: SAS 1 May 12-1:30pm The Scientia Building, Galleries
    Postgraduate Information Evening 10 May 4-7pm Roundhouse,
    Girls Do the Maths 16 May 9:15am Leighton Hall,
    Women in Mathematics & Statistics Lunch 17 May 12pm RC-3082, Red Centre, Cheryl Praeger
    Maths as a Superpower: A Public Lecture 17 May 4pm New South Global Theatre, Cheryl Praeger
    Professional Development Day for Mathematics Teachers 7 June 8am-3pm Colombo Theatres,
    Postgraduate Conference 2018 8 June 9am-5pm Colombo Theatres,
    Conference in honour of Ian Sloan on
    the occasion of his 80th birthday
    17-19 June All day
    Spectral analysis in quantum theory 23-27 July 9am-5pm Room 4082, Red Centre,
    The enduring impact of the ozone hole on climate:
    A public lecture
    30 July 6pm Tyree Room, Scientia Building, Darryn Waugh
    Science Postgraduate Research Competition 1 August 11:30am Leighton Hall,
    Open Day 2018 1 September 9am
    Thomas Britz presents at TEDx 2018 Conference 22 September 9am-4pm Leighton Hall,
    Advanced Mathematics Day 5 October 9:30pm The Scientia Galleries
    Postgraduate Information Evening 10October 5:30-8pm Hilton Sydney
    SSA NSW Young Statisticians & Data Scientist
    Careers Networking @ UTS
    19October 6pm Aerial UTS Function Centre
    Maths Teachers Professional Development Day 1 November 8am-3pm Central Lecture Block,
    2018 Mathematical Educational Software
    Interest Group (MESIG) Meeting
    30November 9am-4pm Room 4082,Red Centre,
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    ANZAMP Meeting 2017 1 - 3 February 9am-5pm The Pavilion Kiama
    Online Professional Development Course:
    Archimedes and the Law of the Lever
    6 February - 13 March 10am-8pm
    7th Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation 13 - 17 February 9am-5pm
    O-Week Advanced Mathematics Student Welcome 22February 1:30-2pm RC M032, Red Centre,
    O-Week Data Science and Decisions Student Welcome 22February 2-2:30pm RC M032, Red Centre,
    Online Professional Development Course:
    Linear Relations and the Geometry of Lines
    6 March - 6 April 11am-8pm
    Analytics is Everywhere seminar by SAS 16 March 10-11:30am Old Main Building,
    Science & Engineering Student Parent Info Evening 21March 5:30pm
    Science Honours Expo 30March 5:30pm Colombo Foyer,
    Online Professional Development Course:
    Curves from Apollonius to Bezier
    3 April - 8 May 9am-8pm
    Science Majors Expo 27 April 12:30pm Hilmer Building Foyer,
    New Syllabus PD online courses for high school educators 1 May 9am

    Careers w/ Maths & Data magazine launch,

    ft. Chris Tisdell as panellist

    4 May 6pm WeWork
    Postgraduate Info Evening 10 May 5-7pm
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics Lunch 18 May 12pm RC-3082,Red Centre,
    Optimization problems: A gentle tour 18 May 4pm Red Centre,



    Girls Do The Maths 2017 19 May 9am Leighton Hall,
    CRAFTY MATHEMATICS: Workshop on Mathematics and
    Knitting, Crochet and Paper Folding
    20 May 10am-1pm Red Centre,
    Student Vs. Staff Soccer Game 2 June 3pm Village Green
    Postgraduate Conference 2017 7June 9am-5pm Colombo Theatres,
    Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Day 8June 8:30am Central Lecture Block,
    Workshop on Bayesian Modeling with Stan 20June 1-5pm Business School Jim Savage
    New Syllabus Online PD Course:
    Discrete Probability Distributions
    1 July 10am
    Chris Tisdell: Can technology facilitate learning on a level playing field? 31 July 5:30pm Tyree Room, Chris Tisdell
    Careers in Science Student Conference 10 August 9am AGSM,
    Open Day 2September 9am-4pm
    Advanced Mathematics Day 2017 15September 9:30am Scientia Galleries,
    WIMSIG Conference 2017:
    Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences
    24 - 26 September 9am-5pm University of South Australia
    The Simon Marais Mathematics Competition 7 October 9:30am-5pm
    Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Day 2 November 8:30am Colombo Theatres,
    'Stochastic Modelling of Urban Structure' and 'Diffusions and dynamics on statistical manifolds for statistical inference' 24 - 28 November 4pm RC-4082,
    Statistical Challenges in Astronomy 7 - 8 December 9am-5pm
    -Macquarie University Workshop:
    "Risk: Modelling, Optimization and Inference"
    7 - 8 December 9am-5pm Robert Webster Building,
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Info Day 2016 5 January 9am-4pm
    Personal experiences in teaching linear algebra, & teaching online 14January 2pm RC-M032, The Red Centre, Gil Strang (MIT)
    Science Enrolment Advising Day 22January 10:30am-2pm The Red Centre,
    Advanced Mathematics Student Welcome 24 February 2pm RC-M032, The Red Centre,
    Professional Development Course for High School Educators: Archimedes and the Law of the Lever 7 March - 11 April 6-8pm Online Norman Wildberger
    Mathematics Discovery Evening at Trinity Grammar School 9March 6-8pm Trinity Grammar School
    Science and Engineering Student Parent Info Night 23March 6pm John Niland Scientia Building
    Postgraduate Information Evening 4 May 5-7pm Leighton Hall,
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics Lunch 19 May 12pm RC-3082, The Red Centre,
    The Role of Mathematics and Statistics
    in Science & Society: A public lecture
    19 May 6-7pm RC-4082, Red Centre, Lynne Billard
    Girls Do The Maths 20 May 9am Red Centre,
    Postgraduate Conference 2016 8June 9am Colombo Theatres,
    Stats Central Launch and VC talk 15June 4pm Colombo Theatre A,
    Maths for Humans: Linear and Quadratic Relations 27 June - 25 July 9am-5pm Online Norman Wildberger, Daniel Mansfield
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers 28 - 30 June 9:30am-5pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Science Semester 2 Welcome and Orientation 20 July 11:30am-12:30pm Webster Theatre A
    Data Analysis Workshop 28 July 10am-3pm Ainsworth Building 101,
    Student Research Expo 2 August 1pm Leighton Hall,
    A web of secrecy: How internet encryption works 15 August 12:30pm City Recital Hall, Sydney Randell Heyman
    Maths for Humans: Inverse Relations and Power Laws 22 August -
    19 September
    9am-5pm Norman Wildberger, Daniel Mansfield
    Open Day 2016 3 September 9am Kensington Campus
    Professional Development Course:
    Population Growth & the Logistic Curve
    5September 9am Danel Mansfield
    Advanced Mathematics Day 2016 16September 9am Scientia Galleries
    2016 MathSoc Championship 19September 6-7:30pm ASB The Place
    Introduction to Regression Modelling in R course 26 - 28 September 9am-5pm
    Postgraduate Information Evening 1 October 5-7pm Scientia Building,
    Choose Maths: An Australian Approach Towards Increasing the Participation of Women in Maths 20October 11am-12pm Red Centre Theatre, Inge Koch
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics Lunch 20October 12pm RC-3082, Red Centre,
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers - short course 7 - 9 November 9:30am-5pm Business School
    Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Day 10November 9am
    Science Year 10 Work Experience 28 November -
    2 December
    From Lotteries to Polls to Monte Carlo:
    A Public Lecture
    30November 6pm Colombo Theatre A, Jeffrey Rosenthal
    Info Day - HSCyalater 17 December 11am Kensington Campus
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Professional Development Course for Maths Educators:
    Curves from Apollonius to Bezier
    5 January 6pm Online Norman Wildberger
    2 - 6 February 9am-5pm RC-M032, Red Centre,
    The Arithmetic of Chaos: A Public Lecture 3February 6pm Colombo Theatre C, Franco Vivaldi
    O Week 23 - 27 February 9am-5pm
    Advanced Mathematics Student Welcome 25February 2pm RC-M032, Red Centre,
    Risky Business Q&A 26 March 6:30-8:30pm Science Theatre,
    Postgraduate Information Evening 27 April 5-7pm Rydges World Square
    Girls Do The Maths 15 May 9am The Red Centre,
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics Lunch 22 May 12pm RC-3082, Red Centre,
    Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series 1-Jun-15 5-6pm Council Chamber - The Chancellery, Pierre Andre Del Moral
    Postgraduate Conference 2015 11 June 9-5pm Colombo Theatres,
    Professional Development Course for High School Educators:
    Archimedes and the Law of the Lever
    6 July - 3 August 6-8pm Online
    Science Info Day 23 July 11am
    AMSI Lecturer: The Mathematics of Swimming Collectives 27 July 12pm RC-4082, Red Centre, Michael Shelley
    The Discrete Charm of Geometry 28 July 5:30pm Tyree Room, Scientia Building, Alexander Bobenko
    29 July 6pm Ritchie Theatre,
    Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series 4 August 5-6pm Council Chamber - The Chancellery, David Warton
    Open Day 2015 5 September 9am
    Advanced Mathematics Day 18September 9pm Scientia Galleries,
    Using Mathematics to Understand Biology: A Public Lecture 22September 5:30pm Mathews Theatre B, Philip Maini
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers 28 - 30 September 9:30am-5pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Honours Information Session 7 October 12pm OMB-145,
    Postgraduate Info Night 14 October 5-7pm Scientia Building,
    Analysis and Geometry in non-Riemannian spaces 2 - 4 November 9am - 12pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Science Info Day 5 November 9am-3pm
    Work Experience with Mathematics & Statistics 30 November - 4 December 9am-4pm
    Eco-Stats '15: Technological advances
    between Ecology & Statistics
    8 - 10 December 9am-5pm Colombo Theatres,
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Science Advising Day 2014 20 January 10am-2:30pm Leighton Hall, Scientia,
    O Week 24 February 9am-5pm
    How to PhD 2014 7 March 4-5pm RC-4082, The Red Centre,
    Careers Expo 12March 12-5pm The Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park
    Girls Do The Maths 16 May 9:15am The Red Centre,
    Videos for teaching & research:
    An intro to our new studio RC-4092 & its capabilities
    27May 4pm RC-4082, Red Centre Chris Tisdell, Norman Wildberger
    Public Lecture: Karen Parshall 27May 6pm Physics Theatre, Karen Parshall
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics lunch 28May 12pm Mathematics and Statistics Staff Room Karen Parshall
    Talented Students' Day 19 June 9am
    Big Data Workshop: Science Meets Industry 1July 8:45pm Colombo LG02,
    3 - 4 July 9-5pm Old Main Building,
    Australian Statistical Conference 7 - 10 July 7am-7pm Australian Technology Park, Sydney
    Science Info Day 24July 9am
    Getting to know your cousin:
    Visit from Maths & Stats at Canberra
    11 August 1pm Red Centre, RC-4082 Warwick Lawson & Harvi Sidhu
    Ian Sloan to present at Royal Society of NSW:
    "The Fourth Dimension and Beyond - the Paradox of Working in Unimaginable Worlds"
    3 September 6pm Union, Universities and Schools Club Ian Sloan
    Open Day 2014 6 September 9am-4pm Kensington Campus
    Postgraduate Information Evening 17September 3:30pm Tyree Room, Scientia Building,
    Advanced Mathematics Day 2014 19September 9:30am-2:30pm Tyree Room, Scientia Building,
    AMSI-SSAI Lecture Tour:
    "A new frontier: understanding epigenetics through mathematics"
    23September 5:30pm Ritchie Theatre, Scientia Building, Terry Speed
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers short course 29 September - 1 October 9:30am-5pm Room 4082, Red Centre,
    School Postgraduate Conference 1October 9:30am-5pm Colombo Theatres,
    Honours Information Meeting 9October 12pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics lunch - Semester 2 16October 12-2pm Mathematics and Statistics Staff Room,
    Professional Development Course for High School Educators:
    Archimedes and the Law of the Lever
    17 November 6pm Online Norman Wildberger
    Biostatistics Workshop 20November 1-5pm The Red Centre, Room M032,
    11 - 12 December 9am-5pm Lecture Theatre A, Webster Building,
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Info Day 2013 3 January 9am-4pm Leighton Hall,
    Science Advising Day 2013 22January 10am-2pm Leighton Hall,
    O Week 25 February - 1 March 9am-5pm
    MathSoc Pi Day BBQ 14 March 11am-2pm Chancellor's Lawn
    Expert Elicitation: how to estimate the weight of a bull or manage the next disaster 10 April 1pm-2pm Room G035, Quad Building, Herbert Huppert
    Postgraduate Program Expo: Degrees in Mathematics 16April 4pm-7pm Scientia,
    APESMA presentation for maths students:
    Insight into professional employment
    6 May 12pm-1pm Red Centre Theatre
    Girls Do The Maths 2013 workshop 24 May 9am-5pm Red Centre,
    Eco-Stats Symposium:
    New Opportunities at the Interface between Ecology and Statistics
    11 - 12 July 9am-5pm
    Can Maths Save the Planet? Panel and Q & A 11 July 5-6:30pm Leighton Hall,
    Open Day 2013 7 September 9am-5pm
    Advanced Mathematics Day 2013 20September 9am-3pm Tyree Room, Scientia,
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers short course 2 - 4 October 9.30am-5pm Room 4082, Red Centre,
    Women in Mathematics and Statistics Lunch 10October 12pm-2pm School staff room, Red Centre,
    Public Lecture - Mathematics and Statistics and Computer Science & Engineering present: Professor Hiroaki Kitano + live robot soccer match 10October 5-7:30pm Leighton Hall, Hiroaki Kitano, President &
    CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories
    Professional Development Short Course for Maths Teachers 22 November 9am-12pm Webster Theatre A,
    Limits to Growth: Beyond the Point of Inflexion symposium 11 December 9am-5pm Parade Theatre, NIDA Several speakers,
    see linked news item
    Limits to Growth:Q&A Panel Discussion 12December 6-7:30pm Leighton Hall, Hosted by Ticky Fullerton (ABC)
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Information Day 4th January 4 January 9am-4pm Scientia Building,
    AMSI Summer School 2012 at 9 Jan - 3 Feb 9am-5pm - Kensington Campus
    13 - 17 February 9am-5pm Law Building,
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers
    short course
    12 - 13 April 9:30am-5pm Red Centre, Rm 4082,
    The Third China-Australia Conference
    on Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics
    1 - 5 May 9am-5pm Civil Engineering Bldg,
    Girls Do The Maths 2012 workshop 18 May 9:30am-3pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    The 51st Annual School
    Mathematics Competition
    20 June 9am-5pm
    -CSIRO Workshop –
    “Risk: modelling, optimization and inference”
    2 July 9am-5pm Law Building,
    16 - 20 July 10am-6pm
    AMSI-SSAI Lecturer 2012: Christian P. Robert 16 July 2pm RC-4082, Red Centre, Christian P. Robert
    Open Day Lecture:
    Advanced Maths and Programs in Maths & Stats
    1September 10:10-10:40am Biomed Theatre A,
    3 - 6 September 9am-5pm Tyree Energy Technology Building,
    Statistical Methods for Research Workers short course 6 - 7 September 9:30am-5pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Australian Coastal and Oceans Modelling
    and Observations Workshop
    3 - 4 October All Day The Shine Dome, Canberra
    22 - 23 November All Day RC-4082, Red Centre,
    Public Lecture:
    President of the American Mathematical Society
    27November 4-5pm Ritchie Theatre, Eric Friedlander
    Professional Development:
    Short Course for Mathematics Teachers
    7December 9:15am-12pm Webster Theatre A,
    10 - 14 December 9am-5pm Red Centre,
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Workshop on Geometric Stochastic Partial Differential Equations 5 - 6 May 9am-5pm RC-4034, Red Centre,
    Girls Do The Maths Workshop 20May 9:30am-3:45pm RC-4082, Red Centre,
    MASCOS Breakfast Briefing 25May 7:30am-9:30am Hamilton Room, MLC Centre
    First Year Mathematics Seminar 8 August 12-1pm Mechanical Engineering Bldg Peter Brown
    Public lecture: 2011 Mahler lecturer 25August 3:30pm Clancy Auditorium, Peter Sarnak
    Educational Media Show and Tell:
    "Beyond the Walled Garden"
    1September 1-2pm John Goodsell Bldg, Chris Tisdell
    Statistical Methods Workshop 8 - 9 September 9:30am-5pm Red Centre,
    First Year Mathematics Seminar 12September 12-1pm Mechanical Engineering Bldg David Angell
    Professional Development Short Course:
    for Mathematics Teachers
    25 November 9:15am Webster Theatre A, Peter Brown, Milan Pahor
  • Name of event Date Time Venue Presenter/s
    Dynamic Days Asia Pacific 6 (DDAP6) 12 - 14 July 8am-5pm
    Discrete Optimization Workshop
    on Applications in Transport, Logistics and Networks
    12 - 15 October 8:30am-5pm
    CBA presentation on careers 26October 11:30am-12pm Red Centre, Alana Noblett
    28 November - 1 December 9am-1pm
    16 - 20 February 9am-5pm
    Analysis seminar: Andrew Hassell 4 June 12-1:30pm RC 4082, Red Centre, Dr Andrew Hassell
    1st PRIMA Congress 6 - 10 July 9am-5pm
    Infinity in the Philosphy of Mathematics 22 July 7:15-9pm Fair Trade Coffee House, Glebe Philo Agora, James Franklin
    Week Zero Activities for UG Students 25July 9am-5pm
    Research Workshop:
    Function Spaces and Applications
    2 - 6 December 9am-5pm
    Manifold -Valued Levy Processes Seminar 20 June 2-4pm Red Centre, Han Zhang
    Likelihood Inference for a Problem
    in Particle Physics
    30 July 6pm Law Building
    Seminar on Stochastic Differential Equations 1 August 2-4pm Red Centre,
    Python for Scientific Computing 7August 3pm Red Centre,
    Seminar on Stochastic Differential Equations
    and Applications
    8August 2-4pm Red Centre,
    Determining Lower Bounds on the maximal P-negative 15August 12-1pm Red Centre,
    2007 Mahler Lecture 20 September 3pm Old Main Bldg, Mark Kisin