Jimmy Wang

Bachelor of Commerce (Banking/Finance)

Jimmy Wang made Business School his first preference after extensively researching international universities.

Although the strong international rankings earned his trust, it was the Career Accelerator suite of professional development opportunities that really impressed Jimmy.

ճBachelor of Commerce alumnus took part in the Career Mentoring Program, which connected the Commerce Alumnus with an experienced industry professional.

The mentoring relationship complemented Jimmy’s studies with personalised advice and guidance to support his career development. “(It) really guides you through your study and prepares you for your career,” he said.

Jimmy worked part-time while studying at and recommends other international students to do the same. “Working part-time is important as part of the experience. You expose yourself to teamwork, customer service, communication, all those basic skills you need for your career.”

Now the Commerce graduate is a Financial Control Accountant for , involved in financial risk and compliance. He said being able to work in Australia after study is part of the experience.

“Imagine yourself living and study in a country and leaving right after that. To me you are missing part of it, not the whole package of experience… to me it’s the whole package.”

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